Focused Efforts Needed to Halt China's Atrocities

China's Communist government must control information coming into the country and, especially, going out of the country. The effect of China's control has been horrific in inhuman ways such as harvesting organs, unlawful imprisonment of Uyghurs in concentration camps, forced erasure of the language and culture of ethnic people. If this new "Evil Empire" is to be confronted and changed, to prevent another NAZI type extermination, funding is necessary. Such a large effort would be needed, the size of the Manhattan Project, to put an end to China's Communist Party (CCP) which would have to involve publicizing the stories of those who have suffered. China's human rights atrocities must be exposed and a revolution of counter-counter-revolutionaries must rise up to attain freedom.
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The Uyghur Genocide

Although China claims that its Uyghur population are the “happiest Muslims in the world”, opposing facts are slowly emerging. Nazi-type imagery of blindfolded captives led onto train cars and stories of genocide are some of the atrocities trickling out of China. Other methods of controlling the Uyghurs have been the usage of systematic forced-sterilization and birth-control programs. Since victims and investigative journalists have been decrying China's treatement of the Uyghur, China has increased its actions against the Uyghurs and other Turkic minorities by increased and technologically advanced surveillance and mass-internments into "facilities". Upon concluding the "reeducation" at such facilities, many are foced into slave labor.
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Confronting Atrocities in China: The American Response to the Uyghur Crisis

The Chinese government’s rampant abuse of the human rights and religious freedoms of Uyghurs, ethnic Kazakhs, and other Muslim minorities in Xinjiang is an urgent issue impacting the broader region. We call on China to end this campaign of repression, and immediately release the approximately 1 million arbitrarily detained in camps. We urge other governments of the region and the world to join us.
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Forced Population Control

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is perpetrating a sustained campaign of forced sterilization, forced abortion, and involuntary implantation of birth control. Recent, documented evidence of these practices in Xinjiang is consistent with decades of CCP practices that demonstrate an utter disregard for the sanctity of human life and basic human dignity. We call on the Chinese Communist Party to immediately end these horrific practices and ask all nations to join the United States in demanding an end to these dehumanizing abuses.
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China's 'Violations of Religious Freedom

Among the worst violators of religious freedom in the world, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is continues to show blatant disregard for religious freedom and exercises extreme hostility to members of all religious faiths, including Protestants, Catholics, Tibetan Buddhists, Uyghur Muslims, and Falun Gong. The CCP’s campaign of repression against Uyghur Muslims and members of other minority groups in Xinjiang continues to escalate. More than one million Uyghurs, ethnic Kazakhs, and members of other minority Muslim groups have been arbitrarily detained in internment camps since April 2017. In practice, the CCP targets everyday expression of Islamic belief such as owning a Quran, praying, avoiding alcohol or tobacco, fasting during Ramadan, as well as secular aspects of non-Chinese culture such as Uyghur language and Uyghur music.
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China Flexing its Air Might over Taiwan

Numerous fighter jets flew into Taiwan's airspace threatening the Island nation. Such regular patrols are not new for Taiwan for which China states that it is protecting its sovereignty. Taiwan's Defence Ministry condemned the actions as threatening and damaging to peace and stability. Last month Taiwan's president Tsai Ing-Wen warned that the risk of accidental conflict was increasing because of China's actions in the South China Sea. China had no immediate comment on the incident.
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Australian Authorities Search of Chinese Journalists ‘barbaric’

China claims that Australian authorities of “barbaric” searches of the homes of four Chinese journalists. The journalists are under investigation for trying to influence a New South Wales politician Shaoquett Moselmane on positions relating to China using a WeChat group Australian authorities interrogated the journalists from Chinese state-run organizations Xinhua, China Media Group, and China News Service, all Chinese state-run media sources. The Chinese reporters' homes were searched and work computers, phones, and other devices were seized over potential violations of Australian foreign interference laws. Australia’s foreign affairs department did not comment immediately.
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India, Australia, France Meet for Dialogue of Chinese Aggression

The foreign secretaries of India, Australia and France met to discuss collaborating on China's aggressive actions. The three sides discussed economic and geostrategic possibilities with a focus in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. This meeting resulted from China’s aggressive actions, including the border conflict with India the South China Sea military build-up. The focus of the dialogue was on enhancing cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region.
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