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Article Summary Sheets

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Repetitive Sounds can be Music to Your Ears

Music includes a lot of repetition of lyrics, but recent studies show that repetition of any sound could be melodious. A team of psychologists, at the University of California, collected around 20 different environmental sounds, like dripping water. Then, they had played it twice: first, individually and then, in a series with increasing repeats. The team had found that as the repeats start to increase, the sounds became more tuneful. The conclusion was that repetition had affected not only speech but any sound in its ability to make a sound seem good. The experiment raises the question that how and why does this happen, as the sound itself does not change, only the interpretation made by the mind.
SOURCE: https://www.scientificamerican.com/podcast/episode/repetitive-sounds-are-music-to-the-brain/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








DNA Techniques for Facial Recognition Technology

Early tests in vide-omics, or the use of genomic (DNA sequence) analysis to in videos, have demonstrated potential for better facial recognition technology. Despite its purpose to develop a safer and more secure society, today’s facial recognition system continues to make false matches between suspects of crimes and members of crowds. Furthermore, they continue to remain limited to specific tasks in relatively controlled environments such as detecting trespass on a given property. However, researchers have discovered a similarity between genomic analysis and visual surveillance: both require the study of the evolution of a setting over time through the investigations of changes that have occurred in that setting. Researcher Jean-Christophe Nebel suggests that bio techniques used for genomic analysis can be applied to videos. Overall, if DNA techniques are applied to videos, engineers can develop better facial recognition technologies.
Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/dna-techniques-could-transform-facial-recognition-technology/

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Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Supermalaria: A new Super Villian

Malaria has been one of the most infamous and harmful diseases that has affected people, and hopefully, it will be eradicated in the future. However, what scientists call a “supermalaria” parasite has been spreading across Southeast Asia and is resistant to artemisinin, a treatment for the disease. In recent years, death by malaria has been falling with help from the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) funding, but there may be a 44 percent cut if Congress does pass it. Although this “supermalaria” may have developed, this should not be a surprise because diseases do change and mutate. It’s varying form will always force scientists and researchers to find a new treatment, as well as help communities, to protect themselves from this disease. If malaria and its future strains are to be eradicated, more research, finding, and a cumulative effort are required to help achieve this.
Source: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/supermalaria-is-on-the-way/

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Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Electric Eel-Inspired Devices Could Power Artificial Organs

A device to be used to power electrical devices in the body has been invented by scientists inspired by electric eels. Their first prototype runs on salt and water, but they hope to have them running on bodily fluids in the future. The electric eel, or knifefish, which can discharge up to 600 volts of electricity with special cells called electrolytes. Thomas Schroeder, a chemical engineer, and his team mimicked the anatomy of these cells and 2,500 of these units stacked on each other to copy the eel's organs in which electrolytes appear. The team wants to try to make the organ-like battery even better by making the membrane on each cell even thinner like an eel's organs and cells to be able to discharge a higher amount of volts. They also want to be able to mimic the way eels use their metabolic energy to aid in replacing the use of salts and water with bodily fluids. In conclusion, scientists are trying to improve on an artificially created organ that was inspired by electric eels.
Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/electric-eel-inspired-devices-could-power-artificial-human-organs/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Why Fractions Are So Complicated for Most Americans

In a study, it was shown that only 24% of eighth graders could accurately answer basic fraction equations. Studies similar to this led to the conclusion that, unfortunately, U.S. children do worse on these problems compared to children studying in Europe or Asia. There are two main types of difficulty: inherent and culturally contingent factors. Inherent difficulties include notations to express fractions, relations between whole numbers and fractions, and the different arithmetic operations to use. Culturally contingent factors include explanations of teachers, the language in which fractions are taught, and the way textbooks present the problems. So, what can be done about the fact that many children and adults do not fully understand fractions? To start, teachers should maintain a more complex understanding of fractions, the subject can be taught with clearer methods, and textbooks can present more challenging problems.In response, a program called "Fraction Face-off!" was designed to help improve the knowledge of fractions in children from low-income backgrounds.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Bacteria May Regulate Blood Pressure Through Smell Receptors

Jennifer Pluznick was studying kidneys when she discovered a smell receptor; a protein that did not seem to have any purpose in the function of kidneys. However, as she studied the smell receptor with her team, she found out that it receives messages from the gut microbiome, a symbiotic bacteria that live in the intestines, and that the microbiome works with the kidney and blood vessels to manipulate the flow of blood. The smell receptor responds the acetate and propionate that are released by bacteria when digesting fiber by in turn creating renin, a hormone that makes blood vessels smaller to increase blood pressure. The smell receptor found in the kidneys is not the only protein of its type with this job. There is another receptor present in blood vessels that alternatively lower blood pressure by making the vessels larger. Overall, Pluznick discovered that bacteria create acetate and propionate to induce the two smell receptors to help control blood control and flow or blood pressure.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








The Skills Of Success Every year, Bloomberg, a global finance company, runs a comprehensive survey of recruiters to find out what skills are in demand by employers, and are hardest to find in potential employees. The most recent survey revealed the need for six key skills to create the foundation necessary for people to be informed, next-generation citizens and global leaders: analytical thinking, strategic thinking, creative problem solving, leadership skills, collaborative work styles, and communication skills. The International Baccalaureate (IB) makes it a priority to teach students how to learn, and development of the six skills identified in the Bloomberg report is a big part of that effort. GEMS leaders believe these skills, as brought to life in the IB, position students to take on important global leadership challenges in the years to come.
Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/weird-news

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Antifreeze Molecules Could Allow Organs to Freeze at a Slower Rate Scientists have found antifreeze molecules within wood frogs, Arctic fish, and other organisms that allow them to live in the cold. These molecules are related to a protein in the organisms and scientists experimented with this protein on rats to see if it could function in all organisms. Through their experiments on rats, they discovered that the process of obtaining these proteins is very expensive and can be extremely toxic to some species. Thus, they worked to create a new molecule that had a similar antifreeze function as the protein. It has both water repellent and water-loving molecules to stop ice crystals from forming in the organs. This new molecule, inspired by the antifreeze protein, has the potential to save many organisms from having their organs freeze since it is potentially nontoxic to most organisms.
Source: https://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/34190/title/Icing-Organs/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








The Waltz: A Once Forbidden Dance

People today are familiar with the waltz, which has become a holiday traditional dance. However, a surprising fact about this dance is that it started out as a form of rebellion by teenagers in the ballrooms of Vienna many years ago. It caused indignation and brought about changes in European society. By the late 1700s, the waltz was spreading throughout Europe and was adopted quickly, except for elders and conservatives. Despite these criticisms, the popularity of the waltz led to the opening of the first public dance hall in Europe and other nations following soon after. Soon, the waltz spread to the United States after the Civil War, creating American versions of the dance. The waltz was a widely enjoyed activity, all the way up to the 20th century.
Source: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/archaeology-and-history/magazine/2017/11-12/history-waltz-dance-vienna/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








DNA Going Digital

Recently, biology has become more digitized, meaning computers can be used for things such as analyzing DNA and operating equipment. This modernization, though, can lead to several risks, including the vandalization of machines and creation of dangerous materials. For example, in 2010, a nuclear plant in Iran was found to have a harmful computer virus which attacked all equipment controlled by computers. Today scientists are also able to chemically make synthetic DNA which is almost as easy to mess with as written documents are and it can be destructive. Not all digitalized biotechnology is harmful, seeing that they help scientists and researchers follow experiments and discover new information. Either way, the security of the digital DNA interface is important to think about.
Source: https://www.livescience.com/61131-digital-dna-cyberbiosecurity-risks.html

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








To the Moon and Beyond!

NASA and the ESA are holding conferences to discuss plans about a future project that will create an outpost that will succeed the current International Space Station. It will be called the Deep Space Gateway and is planned to be planned and built in 2020s although no concrete fundings have been provided yet. However, there have been many proposed outlines and possible experiments that may take place in the new space station. Scientists nd researchers are working on a plan to allow the satellite to orbit the moon and hope to use it to help future explorations to Mars as well as further the development of science. The array of experiments that could be carried out seem endless from learning about Earth’s magnetic field to seeing how space affect a human’s physiology to planetary studies. Overall, one profound impact would be the easy-access of the Moon; scientists on the space station can easily retrieve rock samples as well as learn more about the known water sources found on the Moon. Who knows what lies ahead of us.
Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/scientists-want-in-on-humanity-rsquo-s-next-big-space-station/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








How Other Countries Deal with Net Neutrality

The Federal Communications Commission has a decision to make in December 2017 to change the principle of open internet, known as net neutrality. Net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications without favoring or blocking a website. There have been debates on whether or not to keep or deny internet freedom. Before internet freedom, there were various issues of blocked pages and even no pages being accessible to users on certain networks. To remedy this, the FCC established the Open Internet Order; to remove it would undo the very idea of net neutrality. There is still indecision on whether net neutrality should be removed in the U.S.

Source: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/how-other-countries-deal-net-neutrality-180967558/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








The Joy In Music Compositions Songs evoke happiness or sadness, anger or despair, or positive or negative emotions. But how is this feat accomplished? Scientists have performed a study on music compositions to determine what factor a song plays in emotion. They did this by using labMT to analyze words and whether it brings out positive or negative emotions. They, then, had corresponded the positive words with the notes. The conclusion was that major and seventh chords had a high correlation with positive feelings.
Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/have-scientists-found-a-secret-chord-for-happy-songs/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Too Much Intelligence Can Be Harmful People with high IQs are shown to succeed more than others in academic environments and workplaces. Also, they tend to have a longer life span and healthier lives. Contrary to that, a study published by researcher Ruth Karpinski and her colleagues found that these people are prone to suffer from various disorders. Karpinski proposed the hyper brain/body theory to explain the association of "psychological and physiological overexcitabilities," or OEs, with being highly intelligent. These OEs include a susceptibility to worry and stress more. However, since this study was taken among people in Mensa, it cannot be concluded yet that high intelligence is the cause of the disorders. Although these findings do promise further research on the link between intelligence and health, people with higher IQs should watch their health carefully.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Wax Worms Inspire the Development of Waste-Degrading Tools People create approximately 300 million tons, or 600 million pounds, of plastic trash each year. About half of this trash is deposited in landfills, which pollutes the Earth's oceans. However, researchers in Spain and England have discovered that the wax moth's larvae can efficiently deteriorate polyethylene, which many plastics are made of. Studies show that 100 wax worms can degenerate 92 milligrams of plastic in 12 hours, and a wax worm grub paste could degrade about 13% of plastic films after being pasted for 14 hours. The reason the wax worms are so effective at degrading the plastic is that they have evolved a mechanism that allows them to break down plastic into a by-product, ethylene glycol. In the future, scientists plan to research how this mechanism works and then use their findings to eliminate the plastic in landfills and in the ocean.
Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/plastic-eating-worms-could-inspire-waste-degrading-tools1/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Artificial Glaciers Water the Himalayas Due to climate change, glaciers have shrunk and rainfall and temperatures became unpredictable in areas near the mountains, like the region of Ladakh in India. Two years ago, in 2015, $125,000 was raised to build a 64-foot tall "ice-stupa." This is an artificial glacier that spouts water from mountain streams like a geyser. It was created to stay frozen until it gets warmer for the sun to melt it. Each ice-stupa supplies about ten million liters of water per year, enough to irrigate 25 acres of farmland. This method has been spreading across mountains all over the world. At the time being, water shortage is a major issue and it might disable future generations from farming. If the local farmers start adapting to climate change now, they would be greatly assisting their descendants.
Source: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2017/04/explore-desert-glaciers/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Mounted Laser Weapons Developed By US Military After the successful test of a laser weapon mounted on a helicopter against an unmanned target, the United States military has installed a weapon of this kind on other helicopters. This test took place at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, with the laser mounted on an Apache AH-64 helicopter. The newly mounted weapons will help increase the accuracy of the Army helicopters. Unlike expensive bombs that can only be used one time, the cost of the lasers is expected to very low in the long-term, around $1 a shot. In addition to the low cost, the lasers can also increase the power of the U.S. military and help soldiers fight with less risk. However, they might not be immediately used in combat because they need clean air to operate in, which renders them useless in desert areas.
Source: http://www.militaryaerospace.com/articles/2017/12/laser-weapons-uavs-ballistic-missiles.html

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Taking Control of Our Lives

Social media has recently become a seemingly essential part of our lives: to communicate, to gather and plan events, to look for the next headline, to promote businesses, to use for the greater good of mankind. Although it seems we may know ourselves, in this day and age, it seems that the people around us know who we are, but machines that use data points and information about our personal lives know us best. So what are the causes? Humans have vulnerabilities such as a desire to have a high social status. This is why when we receive a like or a comment from a Facebook post, our brains unconsciously tells us that this is a reward, causing us to be addicted and even be controlled by social networks. These companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram realized this desire to fit in and to be respected by our peers because we are in a sense self-centered whether we like to be or not. This is why we notice our names being called even when we are situated in a noisy environment. But if we truly want to understand ourselves and not be manipulated by social networks, we have to be self-conscious about the effects they have on our lives and outlook of ourselves.
Source: Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/are-social-networking-sites-controlling-your-mind/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








The Effects of High Salt Intake on Your Diet and Weight We commonly hear that consuming too much salt can lead to high blood pressure, but there's more than just that to salt. A new study by Kento Kitada and his colleagues demonstrates that in addition to increasing a person's blood pressure, salt can have other effects on the human body. For one, excess salt can make you hungrier, which causes thirst and ultimately increases your fluid intake. This increases urine output to flush the sodium out of the body. In addition, when humans eat a lot of salt our bodies break down fat and muscle tissue to produce water, a process also seen in camels. In doing this, our bodies burn extra energy, which in turn increases our hunger in another way. These facts might make it seem as though eating more salty food could help with losing weight; however, the fat that is broken down during the process of making water is not the type of fat that contributes to weight loss. Instead, the breakdown of this specific fat can result in a high amount glucocorticoid hormones in your body, which are linked to a higher risk of Type 2 diabetes. You are also at a higher risk of eating more calories than necessary because of your increased appetite. Thus, this study does not prove that there is an effective correlation between high salt intake and weight loss.
Source: http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/health-fitness/weight-loss/how-salty-foods-affect-hunger-and-weight-loss?page=1

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Our Biological Clocks Helping Our Hearts

Our bodies have internal clocks, which regulate the circadian rhythm that helps us to function properly, know when to sleep, eat certain foods, and behave in particular ways. Recently, researchers have discovered that patients who had open-heart surgery in the afternoon were better off than those who had operations in the morning; they had half the risk of a major cardiac event than their morning counterparts. These findings have been the latest supporting evidence that our biological clocks in play with the time of the day play an important role not only in our daily lives and activities, but also in the effectiveness of various medical treatments. As for the reason behind the better outcomes, gene expression varies throughout the day, causing different outcomes, such as causing a person’s heart to heal quicker and refill it with blood, as well as tissue changes in the body. Now, scientists are attempting to test whether this gene expression can be controlled and activated no matter the time of day by manipulating a gene that appears a lot or less during the day. Hopefully, developing such a process may help open-heart surgery patients.
Source:Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-heart-surgery-may-be-better-in-the-afternoon/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Advances in Electromagnetic Technology Strengthen Chinese Military As the United States has taken steps to increase the use of electromagnetic technologies in the military, China has taken similar steps to compete with the US. However, the United States' efforts have declined, and China is now bypassing the US in terms of electromagnetic technology with their development of the railgun. A railgun is a weapon that repels objects by using an electromagnetic force. They are not easy to manufacture as it is difficult to scale them and make the barrel durable enough for multiple firings. According to General Mao, a weapon like the railgun could decrease the use of guns and canons. China is also working on other breakthroughs in key areas of electromagnetic applications like electromagnetic-assisted launch system (EMALS) catapults. It is likely that the Chinese aircraft carrier CV-18 will be equipped with EMALS catapults. This will allow China's Navy to more capably shoot down stealth aircraft and ballistic missiles, or bombard enemy ships and land targets from hundreds of miles away.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








China Working To Achieve Intercontinental Hyperloop Train China's Aerospace Science and Industrial Corporation (CASIC) may achieve the creation of a hyperloop system before Ellon Musk does. CASIC announced on August 30th their plans for an intercontinental hyperloop train that could reach a top speed of over 2,300 miles per hour. Musk's initial proposal called for a 745 miles per hour hyperloop to connected Los Angeles and San Francisco. Currently, the fastest bullet trains, in Germany and China, have top speeds in the range of 180-250 miles per hour. This means that China may possibly have the ability to achieve hyperloop. China's advances in power generation, magnetic and propulsion technology, and material sciences should enable them to make further advances in superconductors, energy efficiency, civil aviation, and military technology. The Chinese might be working toward the creation of technology that the United States has not even attempted to achieve.
SOURCE: https://www.popsci.com/china-hyperloop

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








How Turtles Hibernate Underwater Being an ectotherm, a cold-blood animal, a turtle's body temperature changes with that of its environment, so if it is 1° Celsius outside, the turtle's body will also be that temperature. When going into hibernation, turtles depend on stored energy and oxygen in the pond water they are in, which they take in through their butts; this is called cloacal respiration. However, even ectothermic animals have their temperature limits. Most turtles cannot survive in freezing temperatures, so they hibernate in fresh water. Biologists observed the turtles to find out that they can survive in cold temperatures only for about 100 days. It is important to understand how turtles adapt to different climate changes since recently they are at a risk of going extinct.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Intelligence Versus Critical Thinking Intelligent people might do dumb things from time to time. Intelligence, typically measured in IQ, is different from critical thinking as the latter is the ability to think rationally and the former is the ability to memorize equations, vocabulary, and so on. Intelligent people are often mistook to be successful in life, however that is not the case. According to a study performed by professor Heather A. Butler, critical thinkers experienced fewer negative life events such as having debt, forgetting an exam, and so on. Not only is critical thinking a significant skill for the future but it can also be improved if lacking, whereas intelligence is predominantly predetermined by genetics. Critical thinking, therefore, is as, if not more, important than intelligence.
SOURCE: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-do-smart-people-do-foolish-things/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Super Eyes of a Bird

As much as we have improved on eye technology, none of those inventions could help humans compete with the superior eyesight of many birds of prey. This is mostly due to the fact that these birds' eyes have unique anatomic features. For example, while a human only has one fovea, raptors, birds of prey, have two. The foveas are lenses in the eye that magnify a bird's vision, which is mostly related as to how they can espy food from miles away. Also, raptors have been thought to obtain the ability to perceive UV light for years. For airborne predators who scrutinize grounds for prey, this can be beneficial. However, it turns out not all raptors possess this attribute.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








The Reason Why We're All So Attracted to Facebook Ads

Almost everyone has been targeted and lured by ads, whether it be on social media or television commercials. Focusing on Facebook, the ads there gives off a vibe of familiarity by popping up in the middle of your feed and showing names of family members or friends who have pressed the like button for that product. However, people tend to be less trustworthy, looking for verbal hints to affirm that a product is real and worthy. The two major verbal hints are "technology" and "new." Those words give an illusion to the consumer that they are buying something superior to others, and this often makes them pleased with their purchase for the long-term. It's pretty difficult for anyone to be immune to these infamous advertisements.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Earth's Rotation Slowing Down

According to new research, the rotation of the Earth may slow down a little next year, which can result in an increase in earthquakes. Since 1900, there were about 15 earthquakes with a magnitude above six per year, but there were periods when this number rose to 35 earthquakes. Geophysicists found that these periods aligned with the times that the earth spun slower and the days were longer. According to data, the planet "is entering a period of prolonged slower rotation" and "next year could see more quakes." This information can be useful to know beforehand in order to perform construction and do city-planning with earthquake-safe techniques. Plus, it does not take a major change in the rotation to have an effect on the Earth's interior stress.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Talking on the Phone Makes People Selectively Attentive While Driving Every day, people are always talking on their smartphones. A recent study, proven by older experiments, has shown that being glued to your smartphone will make you miss a lot of information. For example, talking on the phone while driving causes drivers to ignore hazard signs, because when people talk on the phone, they visualize the other person’s environment and actions. This visual component taps into resources needed for accurate visual perception, which makes the driver miss out on details such as stop signs and speed limit signs. This is proven by the “invisible gorilla” experiment, which shows that while an observer is trying to count the amount of passes a group makes in a basketball game, they will not notice a gorilla walk by, because they draw upon resources to count the basketball passes, ignoring other visuals. This can be related to phone calls and distracted driving; because the driver is distracted, they have a higher likelihood to get into an accident.
Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/5-vital-things-you-cant-do-properly-when-youre-on-your-phone/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








A Possible New Way of Curing Obesity

Obesity may be "curable" with the injection of a protein. Scientists have discovered that a protein called GDF15 can be abundantly found in lean animals more than it can be found in fatter creatures. Scientists have injected this protein into fatter creatures, which slimmed them down without any side-effects. In addition, after taking the injection, animals have been seen to prefer a low-fat diet. As this protein has worked on animals, scientists are optimistic to test on humans. However, the safety of doing so is murky.
Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/scientists-zero-in-on-a-new-target-for-obesity/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Tech Company Offers Employees Microchip Implants

A Wisconsin-based technology company, Three Square Market, announced on Thursday that it will be offering its employees the chance to be micro-chipped with radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips into their hands. Roughly the size of a rice grain, this chip acts as a credit card ID badge inside of the employee's hands. It can be used for accessing multiple features throughout the office, and uses the same near-field communication technology found in programs like Apple Pay. Chief Operating Officer Patrick McMullan says that this could just be another payment and identification option that can be used not only in their markets, but other stores and centers.
Source: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/employees-tech-company-microchipped_us_5975ffa9e4b0e79ec19abdff?section=us_weird-news

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Scientists Detect Mysterious Radio Signals from Deep Space

An initiative set up by scientists in order to find intelligent life in the universe has detected a series of mysterious radio signals from a dwarf planet 3 billion light-years away. The organization known as Breakthrough Listen used instruments at the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia to observe that location over the span of 5 hours on Saturday, detecting 15 bursts over the 4 to 8 GHz frequency band. The organization stated that possible explanations for fast radio bursts (FRBs) range from outbursts from rotating neutron stars with extremely strong magnetic fields, to more speculative ideas that they are directed energy sources used by extraterrestrial civilizations to power spacecrafts. Earlier this year, researchers from Harvard speculated that these radio bursts could be "beams set up by extragalactic civilizations to potentially power light sails." Several other scientists have other theories on this; how they are caused remains up for debate. The organization said more information will be presented in an upcoming article to be published in a scientific journal.
Source: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/deep-space-radio-bursts_us_59a7bbcbe4b07e81d35530b7?section=us_weird-news

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Mysterious Object Makes Waves On Rhode Island Beach

People first noticed a bizarre object - which looks a little like a giant metal starfish with eight legs - several weeks ago off the shore of Westerly, Rhode Island. Being embedded six feet underwater, an excavator was called on Thursday to dig up the object. The excavator wasn't able to unearth it in one piece, but did enough to show that it had a circular base with metal poles that lead to a single point at its top. No one was able to tell what this strange object actually was; a suggestion by a 12-year-old boy was that it could be a UFO! Other theories, however, were a little less fanciful. Archaeologist Stephen Carini had his own theory: "Well, it's not that mysterious. It's been here forever, you know," Carini told WFSB-TV. "It's been marked by a buoy for the past several years. It's a big piece of concrete and metal that they used probably as a buoy, for rescue rafts where there were shipwrecks here back then." It may be a while before the public discovers what the object really is.
Source: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/westerly-rhode-island-mysterious-object_us_59a9aa0ce4b0354e440a50bf

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Tourists Stranded as Protesters Block Path to Machu Picchu

The PeruRail train, that takes thousands of people to the famed Inca City of Machu Picchu, Peru, has been blocked by protesters, leaving many tourists stranded. The protests, unrelated to the tourists, concerned the government and raises; one such group of protesters were some 20,000 teachers demanding raises in pay. The government dispatched about 1,000 riot police, state news agency Andina reported. PeruRail has suspended rail services Wednesday and Thursday, however, they are promising to refund or reschedule the money for the tickets already bought. A similar situation had happened last year, which caused the rail service to be shut down for several days.
Source: http://www.travelandleisure.com/travel-tips/travel-warnings/protesters-machu-picchu-peru

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Correlation Between Sleeve Length and Hospital Infections Every day, people attend their biannual health checkups to find out if there are any anomalies in their health. However, it has recently been shown that doctors, too, are a source of infections. A study, with 34 healthcare workers participating, required its participants to examine a mannequin for a "cauliflower mosaic virus" four times, twice with long sleeve and twice without. Results show that twenty-five percent of the simulations when wearing long sleeves had the virus on their sleeves, compared to zero percent when wearing short sleeves. Not only have they contaminated their sleeves, but about five percent of the workers who wore long sleeves had also contaminated the mannequin. Despite such results, researchers still have to experiment on whether or not short sleeves will have an effect on the number of infections spread in a hospital.
Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/long-sleeves-on-doctors-white-coats-may-spread-germs/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Fighting Illegal Animal Trafficking Around the globe, illegal wildlife trading is a constant threat. A team of biologists decided to understand and address this concept by investigating the slow loris trafficking. These animals are one of many to be illegally poached and hunted for several reasons such as medicine, food, and to be made domesticated pets. Unfortunately, this study needed more information on the effects of human behavior and society on the complex idea of trading wildlife. Future studies, though, could bring research to provide plans of action to decrease the impact of wildlife trading and pass laws that could possibly save and conserve many of their lives.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








China Bans the Foreign Imports of Recyclables In July 2017, China has announced its plans to ban foreign imports of recyclables and solid waste by the end of the year. For many years, China has been a dominant power that has bought recycled plastic from many countries such as the United States and Japan. Because of their reliance on China, many countries now have to come up with ways to solve their recycling and waste problems. Some solutions include: lessening the average consumer reliance on plastic, burning plastics to generate energy, and banning harmful products such as micro-beads. China’s new incentive to ban foreign waste has encouraged many countries to directly face and develop solutions to their recycling and waste problems.
Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/china-bans-foreign-waste-but-what-will-happen-to-the-worlds-recycling/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Bodies In Space Space travel not only allows scientists to see what’s floating in our little galaxy, but also allows them to see its unique effects on the body. NASA’s “Twins Study” has revealed much about it by studying astronaut Scott Kelly and his twin brother a Mark Kelly. Scott Kelly and a fellow astronaut spent a year on the International Space Station (ISS), an unprecedented mission. Chris Mason, principal investigator of the Twins Study, said, “Some of the most exciting things that we've seen from looking at gene expression in space is that we really see an explosion, like fireworks taking off, as soon as the human body gets into space.” He and his team has discovered that methylation (addition of methyl groups on DNA) processes increase which may turn off genes expressed in the person. Scientists have already known that space travel causes changes on the body at a macro level, causing muscle atrophy and decreased bone density.
Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/nasa-ldquo-twins-study-rdquo-shows-how-spaceflight-changes-gene-expression

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Betsy Ross and the American Flag Betsy Ross is well known for making the first American flag. She was first called upon by three members of a secret committee from the Continental Congress, including George Washington, who would later become the first president of the country. Ross and Washington were good acquaintances, which is partially the reason why she was chosen to make the flag. As a widow, Ross struggled in her upholstery business when General Washington provided her a rough design of the flag. Months before the Declaration of Independence was publicly announced for the first time, Ross finished the flag. The Continental Congress decided that the American flag would promote national pride and unity, with thirteen alternate red and white stripes and the union would be shown in a blue field with thirteen stars.
Source: http://www.ushistory.org/betsy/flagtale.html

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Intelligence Versus Critical Thinking Intelligent people might do dumb things from time to time. Intelligence, typically measured in IQ, is different from critical thinking as the latter is the ability to think rationally and the former is the ability to memorize equations, vocabulary, and so on. Intelligent people are often mistook to be successful in life, however that is not the case. According to a study performed by professor Heather A. Butler, critical thinkers experienced fewer negative life events such as having debt, forgetting an exam, and so on. Not only is critical thinking a significant skill for the future but it can also be improved if lacking, whereas intelligence is predominantly predetermined by genetics. Critical thinking, therefore, is as, if not more, important than intelligence.
Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-do-smart-people-do-foolish-things/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








A Void Inside the Great Pyramid Due to the use of cosmic rays, a large void has been recently discovered in the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. The Egyptology community is skeptical about it because they believe that the void could just be another hole in the pyramid from construction. Researchers found the mysterious void by using muon particles, which are formed by the reaction between cosmic rays and Earth's upper atmosphere. All of the methods that the researchers utilized gave the same conclusion: the empty space was in an area that was not expected at all. There are two major opposing views on the appearance of the void. Some, like the Egyptologist Hanna, say the pyramids can be studied more in-depth through non-destructive methods. Others are more dismissive and disagree by saying that the void has nothing to do with secret rooms or chambers, and it's probably just an irregularity. Either way, in order to be completely sure about the significance of the void, there needs to be further research and investigations.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








A Peculiar Phenomenon with Light Quantum physics is a study that helps scientists understand the way particles interact with one another, and with the universe, which leads them to solving their curious interests with light. A weird phenomenon with light is their particle-wave duality, which explains light as behaving as both a wave and a particle, and that it “chooses” how it behaves. The particle-wave duality has been confirmed with the double-slit experience: when one slit is open and light passed through, light appears as a block; when two slits are open and light passed through, light scatters and appears as a gradient of light. There are also delayed experiments where light acts as a particle under certain conditions, and as a wave in others. Scientists are now examining light as it travels through space to see how it behaves. They’re doing this by sending a laser beam to various satellites in space, which then return to Earth.
Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/space-based-test-proves-lights-quantum-weirdness/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








High Risk of Baldness for Short People Men who are shorter may have a higher risk of premature hair loss. An international study of over 200,000 men's genetics was conducted by leadership of the University of Bonn. Results show that premature hair loss is linked with other illnesses and diseases. In the study, researchers identified 63 changes in the human chromosome, including a chromosome for short height. However, premature hair loss only signals increased risk of getting illnesses, therefore short height does not result in an inevitable premature hair loss. Even then, there is a high change that short people may have premature hair loss.
Source: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/03/170308084034.htm

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








It’s Time to Go! A new version of the revolutionary computer program AlphaGo, created by DeepMind Technologies, has now been declared second best at an ancient Chinese board game called Go. AlphaGo Zero is now the dominant player after defeating its predecessor in all 100 games played. Unlike its original version of the program, AlphaGo Zero’s algorithm has taught itself how to play, and it no longer needs to be monitored and given human knowledge on the game. While it trained, AlphaGo Zero learned about Go from scratch; it learned to play against itself and anticipate the next move by applying what it learned in previous games. One intriguing thing about AlphaGo Zero is that it developed and used unconventional strategies that were rare and never before seen, such as a new series of corner sequence, known as “joseki.” This has led to the hope of developing AI that can think for itself, and AlphaGo Zero is one step closer to it.
Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ai-versus-ai-self-taught-alphago-zero-vanquishes-its-predecessor/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Fighting Illegal Animal Trafficking Around the globe, illegal wildlife trading is a constant threat. A team of biologists decided to understand and address this concept by investigating the slow loris trafficking. These animals are one of many to be illegally poached and hunted for several reasons such as medicine, food, and to be made domesticated pets. Unfortunately, this study needed more information on the effects of human behavior and society on the complex idea of trading wildlife. Future studies, though, could bring research to provide plans of action to decrease the impact of wildlife trading and pass laws that could possibly save and conserve many of their lives.

Source: https://www.amnh.org/explore/news-blogs/research-posts/a-new-approach-to-combating-illegal-wildlife-trafficking

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Flour, Eggs, and Firecrackers for Weapons

Antonia Gibotta, a photographer, went to Spain to capture a unique occurrence at the Els Enfarinats, a 200-year old traditional festival that has been celebrated annually on December 25th in the town of Ibi, Spain. In this festival, locals and tourists are to stage a fake coup d’état and are divided into two groups: Els Enfarinats and La Oposicio. The Els Enfarinats enforce outrageous laws and collect fines from those who don’t obey their laws, while the La Oposicio act as the police and try to secure “order.” The festival, interestingly, ends with both sides vivaciously bombarding each other with flour, eggs, and firecrackers rather than with deadly weaponry. Gibotta took photos that captured intense and powerful moments from this pretend battle at the Els Enfarinats.
Source: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/proof/2017/09/you-won_t-believe-this-bizarre-celebration-in-spain/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Get Out of Your Parent's Basement Young adults are unable to find decent living spaces. Most living spaces are limited and very expensive for kids who are in debt after college. However, Ravi Naik has created a company called Katerra, where he is the Senior Vice President for Technology. Katerra's purpose is to create buildings and spaces quickly and efficiently. Naik said that "Katerra finished the construction of an entire first floor of a multi-unit residential building in just six hours." Katerra's revolutionary mission will change the construction business while helping young adults come out of their parents' homes and find a place of their own to call home.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Taking Control of a Brighter Future

Communities in Brazil are now able to create their own maintainable and inexpensive power supply with the power of solar energy. For example, in a neighborhood in the city of Rio de Janeiro, the people are determined to build a better life than they previously had. They had electricity that was not affordable or reliable. The neighborhood decided to campaign new ideas that would help create leisure time and make everyday tasks much easier. Eventually, there was an answer from the Brazilian energy start-up company Insolar, who offered the residents of the neighborhood solar panels and a local solar grid. This has brought the residents many social and economic benefits along the way. Not only is this community taking control of their energy future, but it is also collaborating to provide a positive future for generations to come.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Why Boys Are More Prone to Autism than Girls Recently, researchers have discovered a correlation between inorganic mercury levels in blood and autistic trends. They determined that boys are more susceptible to autism because of the high levels of inorganic mercury in their blood. Boys tend to have high levels of inorganic mercury in their systems because of a high consumption of processed food, which could contain inorganic mercury. This may be linked to autism because boys have their PON1, a gene expression that contributes to cognitive learning, suppressed by the mercury consumption from their mothers’ diets during pregnancy and breastfeeding; however, this outcome does not happen to girls. The high level of inorganic mercury in the blood of boys is the reason why boys are more prone to autism than girls.
Source: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/why-does-autism-impact-boys-more-often-than-girls/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Why the Islamic World May Have Had an Impact on the Vikings New historical evidence has suggested that interactions between the Vikings, Scandinavian warriors who roamed the sea, and Islam were greater than thought previously. While studying burial garments, Annika Larsson, a textile archaeologist, discovered that the garments were created with a form of Arabic script. It had characters signifying the “Allah,” the Arabic word for God. Past DNA tests have shown that people buried in Viking graves were originally from a dominant Islamic territory. Larsson also noted that the characters for the Arabic God were a consistent pattern on all the burial garments, indicating that the Vikings had specific connections with the Shiites, part of a branch of Islam. She made a point on how this research could possibly help clear up the fact that Vikings opposed Islam and instead personally embraced parts of the religion.
Source - http://www.history.com/news/why-are-these-viking-burial-clothes-inscribed-with-arabic-script

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Corridors in the Forest Ecologist Thomas Lovejoy conducted an experiment in the 1980s where he asked loggers, who were cutting down trees in the Brazil’s Amazon rain forest, to leave small islands of forests to observe how animals situated in them to see how they would survive. Unfortunately, even the largest “forest island” of 250 acres had the number of bird species decline in half in 15 years, meaning that other animals in smaller areas would die off due to lack of population and disease. Recently, however, there is a possible plan to slow down extinction threats which uses “corridors” to connect one fragment of a forest to another: this can help existing population to interact with each other and also provides more space and allows them to adapt to climate change. Fragmented forests that have been connected using corridors have shown to help populations survive 13 times as long as it would without the corridors. However, these forest corridors should not be the permanent plan to help solve deforestation and to stop extinction; instead, it should be used as a way to slow down the rates and provide a temporary solution to a big problem, providing time for more permanent and better solutions to take place.
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/21/climate/rain-forest-corridors-species-habitats-extinctions.html

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








The Mystery of Left-Coiled Snails Jeremy the Lefty Snail has passed away, but his genetic information is still alive. Jeremy became famous for his shell that had coiled left instead of right, a rare occurrence in snails. Dr. Davison discovered him and wanted to know if the cause of the left-coiled shell was due to genetics or was an accident. This would be answered through observing his offspring, but consequently, his organs also had turned counterclockwise, which made it hard to mate with right-coiled snails. Fortunately, left-coiled snails were found through the help of social media, and they were sent to Dr. Davison, who hoped to have Jeremy produce offspring, but, after the offspring was produced, it was observed that they all had right-coiled shells. Shortly after, Jeremy passed away, but his genes have been passed on and his shell has been preserved in the University of Nottingham.
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/12/science/jeremy-lefty-snail.html

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








3-D Printed Heart A team at ETH Zurich has 3D printed a soft, artificial heart made of silicon that beats similarly to a real heart, putting us closer to replacing damaged hearts without having to do a transplant. The team says that the heart can beat continuously for about half an hour before the materials break down, but they are working to improve the invention. The heart has a left and a right ventricle or chamber as well as a third one that acts as the heart's engine by driving the external pump; pressurized air inflates and deflates this third chamber, which drives blood through the ventricles to make the heart function. The hope is that this artificial version can eventually replace mechanical pumps that cause a risk of failure or complications within the body. With about 26 million people worldwide suffering from heart failure and a shortage of donors, this is one step closer to finding a solution.
Source: https://www.sciencealert.com/this-3d-printed-soft-artificial-heart-beats-just-like-a-real-one

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Artificial Sweeteners Connected to Weight Gain Many think that artificial sweeteners are a low or zero-calorie way to enjoy something sweet and not gain weight, but a new study proves otherwise. The Canadian Medical Association Journal recently published a report in which researchers analyzed 37 studies on artificial sweeteners. The study tested about 400,000 artificial sweeteners in 10 years, some of which were randomized controlled trials. The results showed that artificial sweeteners didn't help people lose weight. Instead, it raised the risk of health issues like weight gain, obesity, diabetes and heart disease for those who consumed the sweeteners regularly, drinking one or more artificially-sweetened beverages per day. People often assume that zero calories mean zero harm, however, this is not true.
Source: http://time.com/4859012/artificial-sweeteners-weight-loss/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Fight or Flight… or Frozen “Fight” and “Flight” are the primitive responses in humans, however, “freeze” is another response that animals usually do. Some humans "freeze" when they are in a threatening position, but this is involuntary. "Our primitive brain takes over and immobilizes us, " says Dr. Rachael Sharman, a psychologist. When that happens, humans are reported to have little or no memory from the trauma. This can only happen when the event is so shocking or overwhelming that the brain shuts down. Basically, when it comes down to a dangerous situation, you can "fight and flight" or freeze.
Source: https://www.popsci.com/why-do-we-freeze-when-frightened

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








This $18 Key Could Protect You From Hackers Hacking is a major problem on the internet, and the many people that use it seek protection from hackers, but many security methods are not very protective at all. However, Yubikey, created by Yubico, has a promising solution; it connects to a USB port of a computer and tells services like Gmail that the person logging in is not an intruder. Once plugged into a computer, it authenticates the person's identity and automatically creates a one-time-use password to log into an account, and data can not be intercepted in transit because it's a physical key. It takes just minutes to set up with services like Facebook and Google, which have an option to add it under Security Settings. Phishing, a common way for hackers to gain people's personal information by sending a malicious email pretending to be a trustworthy service, is one example of a cyber attack attempt that Yubikey works great at protecting people from. Yubikey is a great step forward in making the internet a safer place, and perhaps in the future, more promising security methods will also be available for people to use.
Source: http://money.cnn.com/2017/07/06/technology/gadgets/yubikey-security-key/index.html

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Too Focused on Protein Adults are recommended to have a daily intake of 46 grams of protein for women and 56 grams for men. Most adults eat about double the recommended amount of protein, with some hoping to give themselves more energy while avoiding sugar, carbohydrates and steering towards high protein foods that are usually only necessary for athletes. Not only can protein be found in meat but also beans, legumes, nuts, broccoli and whole grains. For everyday people to be consuming this high of an amount of protein, it can lead to long term risks or kidney damage. It is also important for people to be able to identify high protein foods and monitor their consumption of the food to keep their bodies healthy. Source-https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/28/well/eat/how-much-protein-do-we-need.html

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








New Smart Windows That Save Money Researchers have developed a new, cheaper smart window, that is more durable and can dim in less than a minute. This is an updated version of a car window that typically takes about twenty minutes to dim. Moreover, this new window can save money,not only on heating and cooling, but also by eliminating the need for blinds. The windows are made of glass plates coated with a thin film of indium tin oxide, and are outlined with a liquid mixture of copper and another metal -either lead or silver. When charged with electrical current, the mixture spreads over the glass surface, blocking up to 95% of the passing light and it takes less than a minute for the window to become transparent again, allowing 80% of the light to pass through in the process. This new, updated version of a tinted window is not only economically viable, but also extremely effective in its purpose.
Source: http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/08/watch-window-turn-itself-black-less-minute

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








A Change in Batteries New alkaline batteries are cheaper and safer than the lithium-ion batteries we have today. The new battery is safer in that it is not prone to combustion that is regularly seen in lithium-ion batteries. The Massachusetts tech company, Ionic Materials, said that “prototypes of a rechargeable alkaline battery right now to have up to 400 recharge cycles.” Another positive outcome of this new battery is that it does not rely on cobalt which is mined in Africa and is accused of using child labor while leaving toxic waste behind. One downfall to this invention is that it cannot be recharged causing them to be inefficient in computers, smart phones or other electric vehicles. Although these new alkaline batteries would be heavier, they are safer, cheaper, and good for the environment.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








New Smart Windows That Save Money Researchers have developed a new, cheaper smart window, that is more durable and can dim in less than a minute. This is an updated version of a car window that typically takes about twenty minutes to dim. Moreover, this new window can save money,not only on heating and cooling, but also by eliminating the need for blinds. The windows are made of glass plates coated with a thin film of indium tin oxide, and are outlined with a liquid mixture of copper and another metal -either lead or silver. When charged with electrical current, the mixture spreads over the glass surface, blocking up to 95% of the passing light and it takes less than a minute for the window to become transparent again, allowing 80% of the light to pass through in the process. This new, updated version of a tinted window is not only economically viable, but also extremely effective in its purpose.
Source: http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/08/watch-window-turn-itself-black-less-minute

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Encoding Information into DNA DNA stores genetic information, which encodes for protein synthesis, hormone secretion, cell activity, excretion, and everything else imaginable; it is the blueprint of human bodies. Recently, the famous motion picture of a galloping horse filmed in 1878 by Eadweard Muybridge was encoded in the DNA of a living cell. Dr. George Church, a geneticist at Harvard, and Seth Shipman, a geneticist as well, assigned each black-and-white pixel to a DNA code for each shade of gray using only four molecules: adenosine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine. The implications are endless, with one being that we can observe individual cells and the neurons of the brain. Many people underestimate how much data DNA can store in a small space; DNA will never become obsolete like floppy disks and ancient flash drives because it has been here for quite some time and information from them can be retrieved even if it was made millions of years ago. Although this may seem like a small and slow step, it’s important to remember that recently, in addition to the high expenses, people thought it would take years to sequence the genome.
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/12/science/film-clip-stored-in-dna.html?ribbon-ad-idx=4&rref=science&module=ArrowsNav&contentCollection=Science&action=swipe&region=FixedRight&pgtype=article

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Possible Ocean On Early Venus Scientific evidence shows that if Venus had the right amount of cloud cover, carbon dioxide and water, in its early stages of formation, it might have had an ocean. This finding indicates that life might have existed on the planet. Venus's slow rotation could have led to the buildup of continual cloud cover, allowing for temperatures as low as 15 degrees Celsius, around 715 million years ago. Such temperatures, way cooler than Venus's present 460 degrees Celsius, could have made it possible for the planet to have had a shallow ocean. This data can be used to find extraterrestrial life elsewhere. Therefore, though Venus is an uninhabitable planet now, this new information reliably indicates that it might have harbored life in the past.
Source: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/evidence-mounts-ocean-early-venus

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








New Sunscreen made from DNA According to a recent study published in the journal, Science Reports, it shows that a DNA-based sunscreen would not only be able to protect the skin from ultraviolet light, but would also become more protective the longer you are exposed to the sun's rays. Scientists know that sunlight causes cancer because it alters DNA found in our cells, but they wondered what would occur if they exposed a thin sheet of DNA film to ultraviolet light. They took a solution of salmon DNA, smeared it on a glass, and took it out to dry to make the film. Then, the researchers exposed the film to UV light to see how much radiation would pass through. Using a spectrophotometer, an instrument to measure the intensity of light in the spectrum, the team discovered that the film stopped 90% of the UVB light from crossing through, and it allowed less light to pass through the longer it was exposed to the sun. The sunscreen can revolutionize the way we protect our skin against the harms of solar radiation.
Source: http://www.popsci.com/dna-sunscreen

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Virtual Reality Therapy Dr. Dawn Jewell, a psychologist, is treating a patient that was a victim of a car crash through virtual reality by using exposure therapy to revisit the site of the crash. This is made possible by a service called Limbix which is provided through daydream view on the new Google headset. During this process, the patient will be able to describe to their psychologist their thoughts and feelings on the topic. People can face their problems through this new technology by virtually experiencing situations that may trigger their fears or addictions. This technology has been developing for the past two decades using research and clinical trials to further advance virtual reality. Using these new advancements, the patients will be engaged emotionally, forcing them to face these traumas and practice real life experiences in a safe environment; However, this technology is far from perfect at the moment.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Editing Human Embryos to Correct Diseases Researchers are beginning to use a gene editing tool to modify the genomes of human embryos in order to correct genetic defects. Clustered, Regularly Interspaced, Short Palindromic Repeats, or CRISPR for short, allows scientists to cut and rework small pieces of DNA at certain areas in a strand to modify it. Although this piece of technology can prevent inherited diseases, the research has generated a lot of controversies. For example, one potential concern is that changes made in the DNA of these embryos can be later passed down from generation to generation, which can impact the genetic makeup of humans in erratic ways. Also, some may use this technique to manipulate DNA to enhance certain human characteristics, instead of using it to prevent diseases. However, with further research, CRISPR has the potential of preventing diseases such as cystic fibrosis, sickle cell, hemophilia, and mitochondrial diseases which can save many lives.
Source: http://www.cnn.com/2017/07/27/health/crispr-human-embryos-genome-editing-bn/index.html http://time.com/4876606/crispr-gene-editing-human-embryos/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Mission To Mars Is Farther Away Than We Thought Though Earth is our natural home, increasing population and man's never-ending colonization of its resources has made it inevitable to look for other places and planets to inhabit. For many years, Mars was considered the most suitable candidate in the Solar System for human habitation, not just due to proximity, but also because it was the only planet that had the optimum temperature to sustain human life. NASA has been telling people, the world over, that the first mission to Mars will be launched in the year, 2030. However now, NASA has admitted that it does not possess enough funds to put humans on Mars. Though this does not mean that the mission to Mars is cancelled forever, it does mean that the mission is delayed till NASA receives enough funds to support the Mars mission. The delay of the Mars mission has opened doors for another moon mission, however that too will be expensive; either way, mission to Mars is farther away than we thought.
Source: http://nypost.com/2017/07/14/nasa-admits-they-dont-have-the-money-to-get-to-mars/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Ticks Are Spreading Rapidly The tick population is growing at a rapid rate due to the expansion of wooded areas and the increase of mice and deer. These ticks can carry diseases from their original location along with pathogens from their new locations spreading several types of diseases to different regions. The Powassan virus is a rare virus that can be passed in just 15 minutes and can lead to permanent brain damage or even death. Another pathogen being passed from ticks can cause the human immune system to have an allergic reaction to red meat. This illness is called the alpha-gal syndrome. Something as little as walking in your garden barefoot can lead to getting bit by a tick. It is very important for people to take precautions towards these ticks and their diseases because it affects humans more than we realize.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Slug-Inspired Glue Patches Hearts A newly discovered adhesive can stick to wet surfaces, including hearts, without rupturing when stretched or deformed. Jianyu Li, a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University's Wyss Institute, and his colleagues applied the durable adhesive to a beating pig's heart and found that the glue worked better than any other surgical glue. The glue was inspired from Arion subfuscus, a species of slug that is capable of excreting a sticky slime that adheres to wet surfaces. A newly discovered adhesive can stick to wet surfaces, including hearts, without rupturing when stretched or deformed. This motivated Li and his colleagues to create an artificial version of the slime that can of close skin wounds and fix beating hearts. Continued investigation of this slug-inspired glue can significantly improve the success rates of many surgeries.
Source: https://www.livescience.com/59959-slug-slime-glue-patches-pig-hearts.html

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Nike Looks to Sell 3-D Shoes Nike has plans to create and mass-produce sneakers by using 3-D printers. The printer, the Multi Jet Fusion 3D Printing Solution, can produce sneakers 10 times faster than regular productions at half the cost. The Multi Jet Fusion 3D Printing Solution is the world's first production-ready 3-D printer. There is not enough information regarding what Nike will 3-D print, but Nike will most likely use it for custom or on-demand items. There are other companies that are using the same printer like BMW and Johnson&Johnson. Once Nike starts creating 3-D printed shoes, the trend of printed shoes will become popular.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Google AI Teaches Itself To Walk, Run, and Jump Google has created its own artificial intelligence program that can teach itself to walk. Though Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been on the rise for the past few years, yet there have only been few successful attempts at creating a program that can teach itself. Despite running throughout the course with its arms flailing out and body completely unstable, Google's artificial intelligence program was impressive. The program ran on four and two legs, gradually learning how to run through every course it was given. Although the program experienced some failures while running throughout its courses, it always learned from its mistakes. If Google's artificial intelligence program could learn how to walk, all by itself, in just a matter of days, who knows what the future of artificial intelligence is going to be?
Source: http://metro.co.uk/2017/07/17/beware-googles-ai-is-so-smart-it-just-taught-itself-to-walk-without-any-human-help-6786514/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Strange Signals 11 Light Years Away from Earth On May 12, the Arecibo Observatory, known for searching for signals from aliens, picked up strange signals coming from the direction of a red dwarf star, about 2,800 times dimmer than the sun, known as Ross 128. Abel Méndez, an astrobiologist at the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo, said the signal was observed for 10 minutes, during which the signal was “almost periodic.” Méndez said that it is unlikely for the signals to be a sign of extraterrestrial intelligence; instead he considers the possibility of the signals coming from something humans put in space. Méndez also added that some communication satellites transmit the same type of frequencies observed, but a blog post from July 12 about the mystery of Ross 128 wrote “we have never seen satellites emit bursts like that” and called the signals “very peculiar.” Another possibility is a stellar flare, which includes outbursts of energy from a star’s surface that travel at the speed of light, emit powerful radio signals, and can disrupt communications and satellites on Earth. However, the SETI Institute confirmed that the group is aware of the signals and will use its “Allen Telescope Array in California to investigate further; perhaps one day we’ll discover that we are indeed not alone.
Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/ross-128-red-dwarf-radio-signals-mystery-2017-7

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








C.T.E. in 110 N.F.L. Players Neuropathologist, Dr. Ann McKeechronic, studied the brains of 202 football players. 111 of them being NFL athletes and 110 of them having chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or C.T.E, is caused by repetitive impacts to the head causing symptoms that can continue even after the impacts have stopped. The brain disease can only be diagnosed after death, so to prevent this earlier, Jeff Miller, the N.F.L.’s senior vice president for health and safety, is trying to promote a safer version of the sport called flag football. The linemen, more than any other position, take the most number of blows. On average, the linemen are hit 62 times in one game and each one came with an average force on the player’s head equivalent to a car being driven into a brick wall at 30 m.p.h. Of 202 brains tested, 87 percent tested positive for C.T.E proving that football is a major problem in this sense. There are many things to still be discovered about C.T.E as the article asks a series of questions, "Who gets it, who doesn’t, and why? Can anything be done to stop the degeneration once it begins? How many blows to the head, and at what levels, must occur for C.T.E. to take hold?"
Source- https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/07/25/sports/football/nfl-cte.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=second-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Tattoo-like Sensor Developed by Scientists Scientists have developed a new body sensor that has the ability to monitor body temperature and muscle activity. This new sensor is very thin and people cannot even feel the existence of the devices on the skin, according to Professor Takao Someya of the University of Tokyo. The current sensors irritate the skin causing redness and itching while the new sensor can be applied similarly to temporary tattoos: by dampening the patch with water and applying it onto the skin. It also allows the skin to breathe, preventing irritation, by molding and adapting into the skin. This breakthrough may soon be used to control prosthetics by electric muscle signals and monitor patients to see their progress.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Five Future Transportation Technologies that Might Actually Happen Our technology, including transportation, is advancing very rapidly, which could mean a completely revolutionized technological world in the future. The five future transportation technologies are as follows: a hyperloop, maglev trains, autonomous vehicles, smart cars, and urban transport pods. Maglev trains, which use magnets as its source of acceleration, are already in use in Shanghai and Japan and can reach speeds of up to 310 mph, while hyperloops, which are trains in an airless tube, will be able to reach speeds of 800 mph. Autonomous cars, meaning hands-off driving, are also going to be the future – Ford has announced a project called “Traffic Jam Assist,” and Cadillac is working on something called “Super Cruise,” which will integrate autonomous technology. Smart cars, on the other hand, have already been around for many years, but smart car technology could develop into a standard for all cars, and could eventually turn into urban transport pods, which would be autonomous with the idea that a passenger could tell it where to go via a touchscreen on the windshield. Transportation technology is changing so rapidly that in a few decades, our world could be completely redesigned and unrecognizable from now.
Source: http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2013/11/27/five-future-transportation-technologies-that-will-actually-happen.html

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








RED Announces First Holographic Phone Ever to be Made Most of us use our smartphones on a daily basis, whether it would be for calling, texting, playing games or music, and the like.Red, a company best known for creating high-end professional cameras, has created "Hydrogen One," the first holographic phone ever to be created. While very little information has been released about the new phone, the company did say that the new holographic phone comes in aluminum ($1,195) and titanium ($1,595) and preorder is available now. Hydrogen One has impressed many people with their proposed new tech, still, there were many skeptics and disbelievers when the new phone was announced due to the fact that many analysts believe that such a breakthrough won't make such a big change to the phone industry. If this new holographic phone is possible, it will no doubt be a massive breakthrough in the smartphone industry.
Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-40527740

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Here's What's Wrong with Schools Teaching Subjects School is a place for learning, but not everyone is as enthusiastic as other people may be, and there could be a reason for that. To explain how schools aren’t doing enough to explain to students why they’re learning the subject rather than just teaching it, Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, said "You just sort of get dumped into math. Why are you learning that? It seems like, 'Why am I being asked to do these strange problems?' Our brain has evolved to discard information that it thinks has irrelevance." Musk suggested that schools focus their teaching around solving a specific problem, such as building a satellite or taking apart an engine: in this way, students will have to learn and master subjects like math and physics in order to get on the path to solve the problem. Musk says it’s very powerful to try to solve a problem because it establishes relevance and excites students about what they’re working on, thus causing the knowledge to stick with them. Musk’s goal of getting to Mars and making humanity a multi-planetary species drove him to learn about and become an expert in rockets in order to be able to achieve his goals. If schools started following this procedure of teaching, students may not only become more enthusiastic about learning, but may also just do much better academically.
Source: http://money.cnn.com/2017/07/19/technology/future/elon-musk-dc/index.html

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Eating Better Can Allow You to Live Longer A new study shows how your diet can have a huge impact on your lifespan. Even people who make small and healthier changes in their diet can live a longer period of time. According to The New England Journal of Medicine, researchers found that a 20 percent increase in people's diet quality caused them to decrease their risk of death by 8 to 17 percent. The study also showed that when participants worsened their diet quality over the study period, their chances of dying in the 12-year period increased by 6 to 2 percent. Furthermore, consuming healthier food such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, grains, and fish can significantly reduce one's chances of getting certain chronic diseases. Having a healthier diet can decrease one's risk of having high blood pressure, heart attack, or stroke. As we can see, a healthier lifestyle can significantly increase our lifespans.
Source: https://www.livescience.com/59783-small-diet-changes-linked-with-longer-life.html

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








NASA is Creating Drones to Operate in Space NASA is working on inventing robots to explore other planets and asteroids. The agency is investigating ways to explore outer space using a craft that can fly to places that rovers typically can't reach while using cold-gas jets that can move the craft through the thin atmosphere found in space. They are currently testing if the drone can fly autonomously or if someone back on Earth must operate it. This new drone would work similarly to rovers by collecting samples using a variety of tools, but unlike rovers, they would be able to access places like the inside of Martian volcanoes which are impossible for rovers to reach. These drones can scout volcanic craters to determine its safety for the astronauts wanting to set up a base for further investigation. This new technological breakthrough can significantly advance our knowledge of outer space.
source: https://qz.com/469334/nasa-is-working-on-drones-that-can-fly-in-space/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








How Tomatoes Can Prevent Skin Cancer Most people think that a simple way to prevent skin cancer is to always wear sunscreen when going out. However, in a recent study, including mice, has shown how your diet can play a key role in your chances of developing this disease. According to this study, male mice who consumed a diet of 10 percent red tomato powder over 35 weeks saw their risk of skin cancer decrease by 50 percent as opposed to mice who didn't consume dehydrated tomatoes. The results are shown as such because tomatoes contain carotenoids which can protect the skin from UV light damage and reduce one's chances of developing skin cancer tumors. This new discovery has the potential of saving many people from acquiring this disease.
Source: http://health.usnews.com/wellness/health-buzz/articles/2017-07-14/why-tomatoes-might-be-a-key-to-preventing-skin-cancer

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:







Drones Can Help Fix Our Endangered Forests Forests, today, are depleting at a much faster rate than humans can replant. Burning down so many trees are quickly deteriorating the environment by contributing to the rapidly increasing rate of climate change. Dr. Susan Graham, an engineer, is helping to solve this crisis by creating technology to fight the obstacle of deforestation. She has recently invented drones that can plant trees at a much faster rate than humans can. First, the drones search an area of land, looking for an ideal place to plant the trees. After the location is found, the drone shoots seeds into the ground at a speed of one seed per second, meaning the drone can plant about 100,000 trees per day. Their efficiency and fast speed have the potential of saving the environment from the effects of deforestation.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








A Bright Future with Our Sun The sun is a vital part of our lives, and studying it has brought many revelations. Though the sun may seem special at first, it is a “solar-type” star and functions like many other stars. Many stars follow a cycle, which depend on luminosity, or the brightness of the star, and rotation, or how long it takes for a point on the star to circle completely around it. Our sun has an eleven-year cycle during which the magnetic poles flip. Learning about the sun’s cycle can help us predict its activity and the effect it has on the earth. Part of the sun’s cycle involves solar minimums and solar maximums, which dictates the activity on the sun; during the solar maximum, a time for high activity, the surface is covered with sunspots. These sunspots are dark and are phenomena that can erupt to affect satellites and even power grids on Earth. Although much has yet to have been discovered, the future is looking bright.
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/14/science/sun-cycles-solar-maximum-minimum-corona.html

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Airbus Working on Delivering Cheap Internet to the Entire World The internet is something that many rely on; many use it do almost everything in their daily lives, but it isn’t available to billions of people. This could change: Airbus and a company called “OneWeb” are working on the first of 900 satellites that could one day deliver cheap internet to the entire world by orbiting Earth. Airbus will produce the first 10 satellites, expected to cost under $1.1 million each, in Toulouse, France; the rest will be produced at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. OneWeb plans to start sending satellites into orbit around March 2018, with one launch every 21 days from a space center in French Guiana; the satellites will orbit at a close distance of about 750 miles high to speed up the delivery of the signal. OneWeb expects to cover the entire globe by 2020, but instead of individual directly receiving the internet, they plan to sell capacity to providers such as AT&T and Verizon. Airbus and OneWeb are not alone in this project - other tech and aerospace companies are racing each other to complete this project, and, if successful, the new technology can bring internet access to billions of people who currently lack it.
Source: http://money.cnn.com/2017/06/28/technology/airbus-oneweb-internet-satellites/index.html

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Aurora Borealis to Put on Light Show this Sunday This phenomenon has always been famed for beautiful, natural neon colored lights that fill the sky. These magnificent lights are actually the result of a geomagnetic storm, caused by coronal mass ejections from our sun. Originally named after the Roman goddess of dawn, these lights happen when electrons and protons that have been electrically charged in our magnetic fields are impacted by neutral atoms. This Sunday, the lights have expanded and can now be seen "as low as New York to Wisconsin to Washington state." These lights will be visible between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m. on Sunday. They can also be seen again the next day between 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. If these lights are happening near you, take the time to look up and see these lights created by the sun.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








New Trash Compactors to Decrease Rat Population A plan to decrease the rats population will use $32 million Mayor Bill de Blasio announced his plan to eliminate at least 70% of the rat population by replacing the city’s trash cans. The areas set to have these rat-proof trash compactors and steel cans include Chinatown, the East Village, the Lower East Side in Manhattan, the Grand Concourse area of the Bronx, and the Bushwick and Bedford-Stuyvesant areas. Rats are a menace to the health and well-being of those who live in the city. Because of them, a rare disease was transferred to three people, one of which is dead; the others are severely ill. With these new trash receptacles come a legislation that would regulate the hours that garbage could be left on the curb and increase fines for illegal dumping. The new trash compacters will be installed in September.
Sources: http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2017/07/12/nyc-rat-reduction-plan

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








A Bright Future with Our Sun The sun is a vital part of our lives, and studying it has brought many revelations. Though the sun may seem special at first, it is a “solar-type” star and functions like many other stars. Many stars follow a cycle, which depend on luminosity, the brightness of the star, and rotation, how long it takes for a point on the star to circle completely around it; together, the two make up the star’s Rossby number. Our sun has an eleven-year cycle during which the magnetic poles flip. The solar minimum is when activity is low and the solar maximum is when activity is high. Learning about the sun’s cycle can help us predict its activity and the effect it has on the earth. During the solar maximum, the surface is covered with sunspots. These sunspots are dark and are phenomena that can erupt to affect satellites and even power grids on Earth. Although much has yet to have been discovered, the future is looking bright.
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/14/science/sun-cycles-solar-maximum-minimum-corona.html

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Problem: Plastic, Cause: Humans Plastic has been a problem in the oceans for a long time, but lately, it has gotten worse. Captain Charles Moore is the founder of a non-profit organization, Algalita Marine Research, and he and his team have been searching for “garbage patches.” These large accumulations of debris have been documented in the North Pacific, but are now found in the South Pacific, Arctic, and Mediterranean. Captain Moore transports groups of scientists to these patches are located where they study the debris and hope to learn more about how it affects marine life. Lanternfish, which are an essential part of many animals’ diets, are ingesting plastic, and this may trigger a domino effect all the way to the top of the food chain. The surface of the problem seems to be the waste accumulating in the ocean, but the roots of the problem lead to us, humans.
Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-40584629

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








A New Step Towards Finding a Cure for Cancer Two recent studies have shown how cancer vaccinations can help cancer patients become tumor free. The purpose of these vaccinations is to help the immune system attack the cancer cells found within the patient's body to eliminate the tumor. In both studies, researchers tested the vaccines on patients who suffered from a deadly skin cancer known as melanoma. Both studies resulted in a majority of patients having their tumors completely eliminated after being given the vaccine. The vaccine is successful by allowing the immune system to recognize the cancer cells as harmful to the body. Afterward, the immune system can produce T cells and other defenders to attack the cancerous cells, helping to eliminate the tumor. Further research in cancer vaccines can mean the key to curing this deadly disease facing humanity.
Source: https://www.livescience.com/59696-cancer-vaccines-help-patients-become-tumor-free.html

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








The Complex Diet of a Vegetarian/Vegan When it comes to a vegan or vegetarian diet, many choose two different ways of eating, either the plant diet index(PDI), the healthful plant-based diet(hPDI), or the unhealthy plant-based diet(uPDI). In Ambika Satija's case, a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, she created an experiment of people who have a PDI or an hPDI. From the data compiled from both diets, hPDI had a reduced risk of heart disease and attacks compared to PDI and uPDI. People who ate the hPDI diet digested more foods like whole grains, nuts, fruits, and vegetables, but less of sugar foods, potatoes, animal fat, and meat. People shouldn't call themselves vegetarians or vegans when they eat junk foods like sugary beverages, french fries, and fake fried chicken. Thus, individuals must choose wisely of what is eaten and drunken to sustain a healthy vegetarian/vegan diet.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Moon Express Coming Soon Moon Express is hoping to be the first commercial company to land on the Moon and win the $20 million XPrize. Not only that, Moon Express also has plans for building a robotic outpost on the Moon by 2020. Moon Express is assembling three different robots for three different missions: the first, "Lunar Scout" will launch this year and it will dispatch a small telescope and a laser range finder to achieve the prize of $20 million, the second, called "Lunar Outpost" will inspect the frozen water and minerals in and on the Moon, the third robot, “Harvest Moon", will extract samples of the Moon and will be used for scientific purposes. Like many other experiences with space equipment, the price of materials is expensive so the company is hoping to receive federal funding for the project. However, if Moon Express does not receive the necessary funding, then there will be cost overruns and delays. With some hard work and a little bit of luck, Moon Express will achieve the goal of winning the XPrize competition and going into space.
Source: http://www.popsci.com/moon-express-lunar-outpost

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Ravens: Terrifyingly Smart When it comes to thinking of ravens, many are either terrified or annoyed by these birds. However, these "terrifying" birds are a lot smarter than we thought. Ravens can solve puzzles, use animals to their disposal, and communicate with each other. Two scientists at Lund University, in Sweden, examined the behavior of some ravens and found an incredible discovery. In the experiment, the ravens had the choice of a tiny food crumb or a tool, they would rather use the tool to open a container of more food. When it comes down to it, these ravens should not be feared, but should be admired for their intelligence.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








A New Step Towards Finding a Cure for Cancer Two recent studies have shown how cancer vaccinations can help cancer patients become tumor free. The purpose of these vaccinations is to help the immune system attack the cancer cells found within the patient's body to eliminate the tumor. In both studies, researchers tested the vaccines on patients who suffered from a deadly skin cancer known as melanoma. Both studies resulted in a majority of patients having their tumors completely eliminated after being given the vaccine. The vaccine is successful by allowing the immune system to recognize the cancer cells as harmful to the body. Afterward, the immune system can produce T cells and other defenders to attack the cancerous cells, helping to eliminate the tumor. Further research in cancer vaccines can mean the key to curing this deadly disease facing humanity.
Source: https://www.livescience.com/59696-cancer-vaccines-help-patients-become-tumor-free.html

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Searching for Other Earth-Like Planets NASA's Kepler telescope has been discovering Earth-like planets, which are possibly capable of supporting life as we know it, ever since it was first launched on March 7, 2009, in a quest to answer humanity's ultimate question: "Are we alone?". A list has been released with 4,034 new planets that scientists are 90% sure orbit other stars. Many of these planets are astonishingly similar to Earth, varying just slightly in size and orbit distance, such as KOI 7711 (KOI for Kepler Object of Interest); this planet in particular is just 30% wider than Earth, and occupies an orbit which matches almost exactly one year. Newly released data is setting up a foundation for NASA to design a new telescope, which will be capable of discerning the images of planets orbiting other stars; such a telescope is expected to be a reality around the time period of 2030. 219 new planets have become candidates, ten of them in the habitable zone of their stars. The habitable zone is known as the Goldilocks zone: the zone around a sun where the temperature is just right for water to exist in its liquid form, which is essential for intelligent life to exist. Over the years, the Kepler team has discovered that nature likes to make planets in two ways: rocky like Earth and gaseous like Neptune. Rocky planets can get up to one and a half times the size of Earth and gaseous planets become twice the size of Earth. All this data being provided to the Kepler team is bringing humanity one step closer each time in potentially encountering our first neighbors.
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/19/science/kepler-planets-earth-like-census.html?

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Scientists Discover Why Coral Shines Bright in the Dark Ocean Scientists recently discovered the method behind the fluorescent glow of the coral that lay deep in the ocean where little light can reach. The proteins in the coral absorb as much light as they can to shine bright colors of red and orange. The algae, that live in the coral's tissue, then use this light for photosynthesis, providing food and energy for the coral in exchange for shelter. Scientists are dwelling on the idea that this adaptation can be helpful for when shallow reefs are in danger from the heat. On the other hand, scientists are concerned that shallow reef coral may not be able to adapt to the lack of light in that environment. This discovery can benefit many species of shallow-water corals in the future with further testing and research.
Source: https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/07/07/science/coral-fluorescence-deep-sea.html

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








The Question of Immortality's Morality We, as humans, have always wanted to live longer. With many ways to live longer and life expectancy already varies greatly, but we won’t become immortal. There are many ethical reasons that humans shouldn’t live longer than regular expectancy. One concern is that if there is a method to live longer, not everyone can have the money to pay for either the procedure or medicine. Another example is, lifespan extension can change the way of political, social change, inheritance, and other important factors of life. In conclusion, if we are able to live longer, there will be many complications for humans all over the world.
Source: http://www.popsci.com/ethics-living-longer

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Avoiding Cancer by Putting Sunscreen on Your Eyelids A majority of sunscreen bottles contain warnings that tell people to avoid putting sunscreen on areas near their eyes. However, dermatologists have conducted research that shows that following these instructions puts people at a higher risk of cancer. The regions covered in the warnings are the site of a significant amount of skin cancers; 10% of these cancers begin in the eyelids. In spite of the study, most people still stray away from applying sunscreen around their eyes; an alternative for them would be to wear sunglasses. Experts believe that the sunscreen products are causing too much concern; sunbathers should cover themselves head-to-toe with at least a factor 30 sun cream or sunscreen.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Increasing International Airport Security Rather than banning devices such as laptops and tablets, the U.S. decided to boost the amount of security in international flights. This means incoming travelers will be subject to a screening process, which will more than likely lead to delays. The reasons for the placements of these new measures are past terrorist attacks and the safety of the public. The U.S. has already banned electronics in a ban that affected flights from eight different major Muslim countries, but adjudicated on not banning them on other international flights. Raising aviation security will hopefully create a more secure environment.
Source: http://time.com/money/4838041/laptop-ban-airport-screenings-us-flights/?xid=homepage

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








The Return of Patrick Nyarko Brings Back D.C. United Offense Patrick Nyarko is ranked one of the most powerful attackers in Major League Soccer (MLS) in the past decade. Though he hasn't been considered a spot on the end-of-year all-league team, Nyarko claims he is working for his team, not himself. Due to a concussion last season, Nyarko remained in the sidelines for six matches. As a result, United averaged at most one goal per game. Last week when United had a 2-1 win over Atlanta, Nyarko was the one who scored the game-winning point. His attitude and determination makes him a great player for MLS and his teammates.
Source: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jun/29/patrick-nyarkos-return-from-injury-sparks-dc-unite/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








United Nations Project World Population to be 9.8B by 2050 By July of 2017, the world's approximate population will be over 7.5 billion, however by 2050, the population is expected to be at 9.8 billion. The United Nations has released a report stating that the world's population will increase by over 2 billion people in the next thirty years. Although global fertility rates have decreased in the last few years, still, approximately 83 million people have continued to increase the world's population every year. The two most populated countries in the world, China and India, will switch places as top populace holders with India, currently having 1.3 Billion, overtaking China having a population of 1.4 billion. The United States is currently the third most-populous country and will lose its position to Nigeria by 2050. With many third world nations increasing their populations and the push for first world nations to decrease theirs, the near future may have a great disparity of first and third world nations which could have serious repercussions for advanced civilizations.
Source: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/06/22/533935054/u-n-says-world-s-population-will-reach-9-8-billion-by-2050

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Broccoli Sprouts Maybe a New Cure to Diabetes Scientists have found out that with the help of broccoli, patients with type 2 diabetes can control their sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes is a very common disease. In fact, there are 29.1 million people alone in the U.S. who have the disease. There may be many more patients who are not diagnosed. Even with the extreme number of cases, many cannot take the drug used to fight type 2 diabetes, metformin, because of the possibility of kidney damage. While running tests on mice, scientists have found that sulforaphane, a substance found in broccoli, worked best in rejecting genes with too much glucose. After giving a dose of sulforaphane to obese patients daily, the scientists found that it reduced glucose by 10 percent. The key to curing diabetes may just be in a simple vegetable.
Sources: http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-06-26-broccoli-sprouts-discovered-to-be-a-secret-weapon-against-diabetes.html

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Engineering with Replicas to Save Real Dams Michael Johnson, Utah State University hydraulics engineering professor, and other engineers created the Oroville Dam replica. Michael Johnson created this dam replica to examine one of two channels that run the width of the spillway to allow air into the water to prevent bubble formations that can damage the concrete spillway of the real dam. These new channels, called aerators, cost $300 million to reconstruct and will be applied by November when the winter rains and snow come to increase the water's volume in the dam. The simulation of the 100-foot (30-meter) long replica, that took 40 days to build, begins with a crew member opening a large valve that sends water down a chute modeled after the spillway and crashing into blocks that disperse and send waves to a replica of the river. With the help of the simulation, hydrologists can calculate the velocity of the water and track down how much air is going into the water, which can lead to the complete testing of the aerators. By utilizing this new type of technology, there will be fewer floods, evacuations, and less anxiety about the disastrous effects of inefficient dams.
Sources: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jun/26/engineers-use-replica-to-pinpoint-california-dam-r/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Olive Oil to Alzheimer Patients' Rescue Alzheimer's disease cases are rising and the disease is the most occurring form of dementia in the U.S. This type of dementia can influence someone’s thought, language, and memory. With no cure for this disease, scientists are trying to find out ways to prevent and cure Alzheimer's. In this study, scientists tested two groups of mice: one group with olive oil in their diet and the other group without. After 9-12 months, there was a significant difference in the mice's memory that had olive oil in their diet, and they had better spatial memory and learning ability. Olive oil can lower inflammation of the brain and starts a process in which debris and toxins are removed from the brain. The debris and toxins can be the cause of Alzheimer's disease and without the autophagy process, people over 60 are more likely to get Alzheimer's. With the help of EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) many people will be able to prevent Alzheimer's.

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Pheonix to Cancel Flights Due to Heat This summer, much of the Phoenix region will rise up to temperatures of 120 degrees. This estimation is just two degrees lower than the hottest recorded temperature in Phoenix since 1990. Due to this extreme heat, many flights departing for Phoenix Sky Harbor will be postponed and canceled. Airlines have stated that these air crafts can only work under the temperature of 118 degrees. If the temperatures are too hot, then the air gets thinner, thus needing more speed for the planes to take off. Not only is Phoenix expecting high temperatures, but Las Vegas is also expecting temperatures of 177 degrees, which is going to tie their hottest record; this may affect their airlines as well.
Source: http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-extreme-hot-weather-20170620-story.html

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








The Health Ranger Takes on the EPA The ever-vigilant, health-conscious Mike Adams, AKA the Health Ranger, has pronounced that he will single-handedly assure that the U.S.'s water supply will be tested for its contaminants. Adams and his associates have processed over six hundred water samples in the last year, and in 2017, an additional 364 which have tested positive for heavy metals. Such heavy metals as copper, arsenic, and lead, along with aluminum, with its possible neurotoxic detrimental effects, have been found in the water samples violating the EPA's water quality limits. Allegedly, the EPA routinely covers up such scientific evidence, refusing to tell the American people of the toxins in their drinking water. In the testing, CWC Labs donated all of the lab time and materials for the water tests to be evaluated and the results to be produced to expose the U.S.'s toxic water supplies. The site, Natural News, has stated that "(it) is willing to take over the nationwide testing of the water supply from the incompetent EPA... in terms of testing the national water supply" continuing with " I’m going to announce an offer to President Trump, explaining that we will test the entire national water supply and publish all the results for just $1 per year...handling up to 5,000 water samples per year for the American people"
Sources: http://naturalsciencejournal.org/ICP-MS-Analysis-364-Municipal-Water-Samples.html

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Rivers Legally Receiving "Personhood" In the fight against water pollution, New Zealand, Ecuador and India are substantially leaping ahead to save their rivers. Although not the same rights as humans, these countries assigned legal aspects to the rivers, similar to what corporations have, for the nations and overseers to legally sue any entity, person, corporation, and/or nation who pollute the rivers. In New Zealand, the Whanganui River has been legally recognized to protect from pollution and for the relationship held between it and the Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand. In Ecuador, the Constitution states that nature must be respected for its right to exist, maintain itself, and regenerate its life cycles, structures, functions and evolutionary processes and that anyone can demand Ecuadorian authorities enforce these rights. The high court of Uttarakhand, in India, ruled that the Ganga and Yamuna rivers have the same legal rights as a person. By assigning legal rights to nature as a legal entity, the appointed guardians of the rivers can enter and enforce regulations to protect the rivers from pollution. So, as many mythological stories tell that nature transforms to man, in these cases, at least legally, the rivers have in fact gained "Personhood".
Sources: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/rivers-get-human-rights-they-can-sue-to-protect-themselves/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Russia Threatens to Target Jets Russia Threatens to Target American Jets Russia has threatened that any target operating above the Russian and Syrian airspace. The Syrian Democratic Forces, or SDF, and American warplanes launched an attack to retake a town called Ja'Din. After the attack concluded, a Syrian fighter jet launched airstrikes on SDF troops which led an American warplane to take it out.That was the first air-to-air engagement between the US and Russia since 1999. In Moscow, Russian officials applied the necessary adjustments in the Syria war policy because of the shoot-down of a Syrian military aircraft by a US fighter. In conclusion, the Russians will try to stay cautious with the Americans attacking ISIS.
Source: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jun/19/russia-cuts-communications-us-syria-threatens-targ/

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Coconut Oil May Not Be as Good as First Thought Many people have used coconut oil as a "healthy" alternative to other unhealthy oils. However, coconut oil is much worse than other oils. A new study by the American Heart Association showed the ruse that coconut oil was healthy was a mistake. It turns out, 82 percent of fat in coconut oil is saturated fat. Some studies showed that coconut oil increases bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol. This can be the cause of cardiovascular disease, so it is better to stick with oils that have lower saturated fats. So, coconut oil would be better for you if you put it on your skin rather than in your body. Sources:

What is the main idea of this article? ______________________________________________________________________

Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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3. ______________________________________________________________________

What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Amazon to Buy Whole Foods for 13.7 billion dollars Amazon Leads Whole Foods Into the On-demand Grocery System Amazon announced the second generation of its Dash Wand, an Alexa-enabled home barcode scanner that can add your grocery items to your AmazonFresh cart. The company's way to improve the Dash Wand was by announcing their $13.7 billion deal to buy the Whole Foods Grocery chain, which includes 461 stores across the US, Canada, and the UK. Whole Foods stores are accessible to many Americans because it is usually an hour's drive to the store, which makes Amazon's on-demand grocery delivery easier. Amazon created this second-generation tool because interacting with the Alexa or Echo device can be as easy as saying "Honey, we need eggs." The order will arrive to its destination in a matter of an hour or so, completely fresh, organic, and straight off the shelves of the nearest Whole Foods store. With the new technology being created, buying groceries will be easier and faster. br>Source:http://www.popsci.com/amazon-buys-whole-foods-dash-wand Edited by Michael Morrow

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Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

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The History of Father's day People from all around the world will be celebrating Father's day today, a day of celebration and honoring your fathers. What you probably didn't know about this holiday is that it came from the inspiration of Mother's Days. Fifty- eight years before Father's day was made official by President Richard Nixon, Mother's day was made official by President Woodrow Wilson. One woman, Sonara Smart Dodd was raised by a widower and tried to create an equivalent to Mother's day for male parents. Her attempt for supporting a father's day caught on and Washington State celebrated the nation’s first Father’s Day on June 19, 1910. The new holiday began to slowly spread and President Wilson the day was honored by President Wilson with a special acknowledgement. Now, only in the United States there are 70 million fathers and Americans spend more than a billion dollars a year for Father's day gifts.
Source: http://www.history.com/topics/holidays/fathers-day

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Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








The Complex Diet of a Vegetarian/Vegan When it comes to a vegan or vegetarian diet, many choose two different ways of eating, either the plant diet index(PDI), the healthful plant-based diet(hPDI), or the unhealthy plant-based diet(uPDI). In Ambika Satija's case, a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, she created an experiment of people who have a PDI or an hPDI. From the data compiled from both diets, hPDI had a reduced risk of heart disease and attacks compared to PDI and uPDI. People who ate the hPDI diet digested more foods like whole grains, nuts, fruits, and vegetables, but less of sugar foods, potatoes, animal fat, and meat. People shouldn't call themselves vegetarians or vegans when they eat junk foods like sugary beverages, french fries, and fake fried chicken. Thus, individuals must choose wisely of what is eaten and drunken to sustain a healthy vegetarian/vegan diet.

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Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Jailed U.S. College Student Released from North Korean Prison in a Vegetative State A 22-year-old college student named Otto Warmbier attempted to steal a propaganda sign from a North Korean hotel and has been released to return home with significant brain damage. Warmbier may have also been forced to confess to his crime, where he said that he took the sign as a trophy and that he wanted to “harm the work ethic and motivation of the Korean people.” This serious crime in North Korea resulted in Mr. Warmbier’s imprisonment and sentence of 15 year’s hard labor. However, although the sentence was 15 years, the student is being evacuated from the country after 17 months of imprisonment after seemingly suffering a heart attack which led to his brain loss. North Korean sources said Otto Warmbier was given a sleeping pill due to botulism, a form of food poisoning, and has been in a coma ever since, however, upon medical analysis in the U.S., his system had no signs of botulism. The father of the victim of North Korea said, "There's no excuse for the way the North Koreans treated our son and the way they have treated so many others," and that " They lure Americans and then they take them hostage and then they do things to them — and that is what happened to my son."; these statements tell us all we need to know if planning to visit North Korea.

Sources: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4607730/Otto-Warmbier-SEVERE-neurological-injury.html#ixzz4k6j1JG8z

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Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








An Egg a Day Keeps you Big in Many A Way According to Gaston, from "Beauty and the Beast", as a child, he ate four dozen eggs every morning to get large. However, just eating one egg a day can do the same. Eggs are high in protein, vitamin B12, riboflavin, choline, and other vitamins and minerals. A team of public health researchers from the United States and Ecuador tested this in an impoverished country like Ecuador. The group gathered up mother-infant pairs, separating one group with eggs and the other without eggs. After the six-month process, the kids who ate eggs were much taller and larger than the ones that didn't eat eggs. Therefore, if this experiment worked on children, then having an egg-based diet will have many health benefits for adults as well.
Source: http://www.popsci.com/eggs-help-babies-grow

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Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Netflix Crushes Cable by Millions

In the challenge of whether a customer likes expensive prechosen programs, or cheap choose-it -yourself entertainment, Netflix is quickly becoming the champion.Over the last six years, the online streaming provider has been gaining on cable TV providers and now Netflix has toppled Cable TV with millions of more subscribers. In the beginning of 2017, cable tv had forty-eight million subscribers while Netflix advanced to fifty-nine million, the first time the online streaming company has overtaken cable since its inception in the US. The fact that users would rather pay Netflix's lower prices of between $7.99 - $11.99 to cable TV's $24.00 to sometimes more than $200.00 for the works, and $85.00 for the average pricing. Clearly, with millions of subscribers choosing Netflix, Cable TV will have to alter its pricing or go the way of Blockbuster.

Sources: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4608624/Netflix-millions-subscribers-cable.html

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Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Drones to the Heart's Rescue Heart attacks, or cardiac arrests, are the number one killer worldwide, but a new study might put drones to use to change those numbers. In the U.S., approximately 350,000 people and more than 6 million people each year die due to heart attacks. Without proper treatment , a person suffering a heart attack can die within minutes which is the fate of over ninety percent of people who suffer one outside of a hospital. Recent trials have begun deploying drones to the scene of numerous heart attack simulations. The drones carrying a defibrillator arrived to the location after five minutes of its launch, seventeen minutes faster than an average ambulance. Technology and the people who find uses for it have once again put their collective brains together and come up with a plus for most all of humanity.
Sources: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-4600370/Drones-carrying-defibrillators-aid-heart-emergencies.html

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Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Nike to Cut 2% of its Total Workforce The world’s largest sporting goods brand is reorganizing their company, which also means that they have to fire 2% of their workers. In order to keep up with their customers and continue to surpass competition, Nike has to change the way they produce and sell sneakers. Their goal for this is to increase the sales made right to the customers, rather than with retail partners. With about 70,000 employees worldwide, Nike will have to fire 1,400 employees, leaving 1,400 people without jobs. As another result from their reorganization, Nike will decrease the amount of styles of shoes they have and will focus more on franchises and categories that have the most potential. Using new technology, Nike will cut the time it takes to make the products by half. Nike is keeping up with the times and is doing the best it can to continue being the world's largest sporting goods brand.
Source: https://qz.com/1006961/nike-is-cutting-2-of-its-global-workforce-and-reorganizing-its-manufacturing/

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Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:








Dry Drowning Danger Last week, a Texas family lost their four-year-old due to an extremely rare fatality. The boy was playing in the water when a wave knocked him over. After a few days, the child developed diarrhea, vomiting, and a pain in his should; unfortunately, within a few days he stopped breathing and died. The condition that the child had was called “pulmonary edema,” resulting from fluid build-up in the lungs, thus making it harder for oxygen to come into the body. There are two different types of atypical drownings: dry drowning, which occurs immediately or shortly after the water inhalation incident, and secondary drowning, which can occur between one and 24 hours after the incident. The symptoms from secondary or dry drowning are: troubled breathing, coughing, sleepiness, drop in energy level, chest pain, and vomiting. Parents can avoid dry drowning by teaching their kids about water safety, taking their kids to swimming lessons, and watching their children very closely.


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Tell three facts that happened in the article:

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What is the event or problem in the article? ______________________________________________________________________

How did the article conclude? ______________________________________________________________________

Using the above questions, in your own words summarize the article:







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