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<br><br>'''Edited Article:'''
<br><br>'''Edited Article:'''
<br>The first snake ever found was a baby from the dinosaur age. The snake is ten centimetres long, and the snake was from 100 years ago. The snake was also from an island in the Indian Ocean. The snake got trapped in sap, and the sap hardened as the island drifted north and became a part of the country of Myanmar. Scientists also found an amber that had a piece of skin shed by the same species of snake. Finding a snake fossil was extremely rare since only fifteen had been found around the world during the dinosaur age.
<br>The first snake ever found was a baby from the dinosaur age. The snake is ten centimeters long, and the snake was from 99 million years in the past. The snake was also from an island in the Indian Ocean. The snake got trapped in sap, and the sap hardened as the island drifted north and became a part of the country of Myanmar. Scientists also found an amber that had a piece of skin shed by the same species of snake. Finding a snake fossil was extremely rare since only fifteen had been found around the world during the dinosaur age.

Revision as of 18:41, 26 May 2020

Tenzin's Article Summary Page

Earth 1.5 Billion Years Ago

How was Earth 1.5 billion years ago?

---Good opening with the question!

Well, it was vastly different from Earth as we know today.

Edited for word choice: It was vastly different from Earth as we know it today.

Earth 1.5 billion years ago was submerged in water everywhere except for 1 continent.

---Edited for mechanics: Earth 1.5 billion years ago was submerged in water everywhere except one continent.

But, continents starting forming after plate tectonics 'thrusted' the continent upwards.

---Edited for word choice: However, continents started forming after plate tectonics 'thrusted' the continent upwards.

---Was there a source for this article?

Original Article:
How was Earth 1.5 billion years ago? Well, it was vastly different from Earth as we know today. Earth 1.5 billion years ago was submerged in water everywhere except for 1 continent. But, continents starting forming after plate tectonics 'thrusted' the continent upwards.

Edited Article:
How was Earth 1.5 billion years ago? It was vastly different from Earth as we know it today. Earth 1.5 billion years ago was submerged in water everywhere except one continent. However, continents started forming after plate tectonics 'thrusted' the continent upwards.


COVID Sniffers

As the Coronavirus is still ongoing there's a new resource to help prevent the spread of COVID, dogs.

---Edited for grammar: As the coronavirus is still ongoing, there is a new resource to help prevent the spread of COVID: dogs.

Dogs have been trained to sniff out people with COVID, with their 300 million sent receptors they have a high potential of figuring out if someone has COVID in public places like hospitals and airports where it can easily spread.

---Edited and separated into two sentences: Dogs have been trained to sniff out people with COVID. With their 300 million scent receptors, they have a high potential of figuring out if someone has COVID in public places, such as hospitals and airports where it can be easily spread.

Labs are being trained for 3 weeks by using an process called 'oder imprinting', what happens in this process is these labs are exposed to saliva that are positive with COVID.

---Edited for grammar: Labs are being trained for three weeks by using a process called 'odor imprinting', and what happens in this process is the labs are exposed to saliva that is positive for COVID.

After, they'll be tested by picking out who has COVID.

---Good sentence!

This is extremely great since this can decrease the spread of the current pandemic, COVID.

---Edited for word choice:This is extremely great since this can decrease the spread of the current pandemic.


Original Article:
As the Coronavirus is still ongoing there's a new resource to help prevent the spread of COVID, dogs. Dogs have been trained to sniff out people with COVID, with their 300 million sent receptors they have a high potential of figuring out if someone has COVID in public places like hospitals and airports where it can easily spread. Labs are being trained for 3 weeks by using an process called 'oder imprinting', what happens in this process is these labs are exposed to saliva that are positive with COVID. After, they'll be tested by picking out who has COVID. This is extremely great since this can decrease the spread of the current pandemic, COVID.

Edited Article:
As the coronavirus is still ongoing, there is a new resource to help prevent the spread of COVID: dogs. Dogs have been trained to sniff out people with COVID. With their 300 million scent receptors, they have a high potential of figuring out if someone has COVID in public places, such as hospitals and airports where it can be easily spread. Labs are being trained for three weeks by using a process called 'odor imprinting', and what happens in this process is the labs are exposed to saliva that is positive for COVID. After, they'll be tested by picking out who has COVID. This is extremely great since this can decrease the spread of the current pandemic.


---Remember to put article titles at the beginning of all of your articles!! I added titles for the articles without them for now, but put them on the next one you do!

Are Standardized Tests Beneficial?

People are starting to wonder the efficiency of standardized tests.

---Good opening sentence! Edited for mechanics: People are starting to wonder about the efficiency of standardized tests.

Many people are realizing that these tests might be to hard on the students.

---Edited for word choice: Many scientists are realizing that these tests might be too hard on the students.

The Washington Street Posts says that in Texas many of the high stake tests contain questions that are worded very poorly and vaguely.

---Edited for mechanics: The Washington Street Post says that in Texas, many of the high-stake tests contain questions that are worded poorly and vaguely.

This is costing students high risks to their grades even though the test makers were the one at fault.

---Edited for grammar: This is costing students high risks, even though the test makers were the ones at fault.

Also, another thing found is that many ELA test’s difficulty were found 2 grades above their own.

---Edited for word choice and grammar. Remember we write out words under 10!: Also, scientists also found that many ELA test's difficulty were found two grades above their own.

How are students supposed to expected to excel at these exams when they aren’t given the appropriate questions and texts that they were supposed to be ready for?

---Edited for grammar: How are students expected to excel at these exams when they aren't given the appropriate questions and texts that they were supposed to be given?

This can extremely affect grades, as the Washington Post says kids who were usually exceeding and hard working were now suddenly failing due to the incompetence of the teachers and test makers.

---Edited for grammar: This can affect grades extremely, and as The Washington Post says, kids who were usually exceeding and hard working were now suddenly failing due to the incompetence of the teachers and test makers.


Original Article:
People are starting to wonder the efficiency of standardized tests. Many people are realizing that these tests might be to hard on the students. The Washington Street Posts says that in Texas many of the high stake tests contain questions that are worded very poorly and vaguely. This is costing students high risks to their grades even though the test makers were the one at fault. Also, another thing found is that many ELA test’s difficulty were found 2 grades above their own. How are students supposed to expected to excel at these exams when they aren’t given the appropriate questions and texts that they were supposed to be ready for? This can extremely affect grades, as the Washington Post says kids who were usually exceeding and hard working were now suddenly failing due to the incompetence of the teachers and test makers.

Edited Article:
People are starting to wonder the efficiency of standardized tests. Many scientists are realizing that these tests might be hard on the students. The Washington Street Post says that in Texas, many of the high-stake tests contain questions that are worded poorly and vaguely. This is costing students high risks, even though the test makers were the ones at fault. Also, scientists also found that many ELA test's difficulty were found two grades above their own. How are students expected to excel at these exams when they aren't given the appropriate questions and texts that they were supposed to be given? This can affect grades extremely, and as The Washington Post says, kids who were usually exceeding and hard working were now suddenly failing due to the incompetence of the teachers and test makers.


Ancient Snakes

The first snake ever found was a baby from the dinosaur age.

---Good opening sentence!

The snake is 10cm long and the snake was from 100 years ago, the snake was also from an island in the Indian Ocean.

---Edited for grammar: The snake is ten centimetres long, and the snake was from 100 years ago. The snake was also from an island in the Indian Ocean.

When the snake got trapped in the sap, the sap hardened as the island drifted north and became a part of Myanmar.

---Edited for paragraph fluidity: The snake got trapped in sap, and the sap hardened as the island drifted north and became a part of the country of Myanmar.

The scientist also an amber that has a piece of skin shed by the same species of snake.

---Edited for word choice: Scientists also found an amber that had a piece of skin shed by the same species of snake.

Finding a snake fossil is extremely rare since only 15 had been found around the world in the dinosaur age.

---Edited for verb tense: Finding a snake fossil was extremely rare since only fifteen had been found around the world during the dinosaur age.


Original Article:
The first snake ever found was a baby from the dinosaur age. The snake is 10cm long and the snake was from 100 years ago, the snake was also from an island in the Indian Ocean. When the snake got trapped in the sap, the sap hardened as the island drifted north and became a part of Myanmar. The scientist also an amber that has a piece of skin shed by the same species of snake. Finding a snake fossil is extremely rare since only 15 had been found around the world in the dinosaur age.

Edited Article:
The first snake ever found was a baby from the dinosaur age. The snake is ten centimeters long, and the snake was from 99 million years in the past. The snake was also from an island in the Indian Ocean. The snake got trapped in sap, and the sap hardened as the island drifted north and became a part of the country of Myanmar. Scientists also found an amber that had a piece of skin shed by the same species of snake. Finding a snake fossil was extremely rare since only fifteen had been found around the world during the dinosaur age.


The Big Volcano

In Hawaii there's a volcano called Kailua.

---Edited for grammar: In Hawaii, there is a volcano called Kailua.

It's impact is so big in Hawaii that olivine crystals are seen 'raining' in Hawaii.

---Edited for grammar: Its impact is so big that olivine crystals are seen 'raining' in Hawaii.

How? The gems along with the lava are carried alon ghte volcano ande end up in the sky.

---Edited for spelling: How? The gems along with the lava are carried along the volcano and end up in the sky.

The lava dires p in the sky and turns into pumince and instantly drop back to land causing the 'rainfall'.

---Edited for spelling: The lava dries up in the sky and turns into pumice, instantly dropping back to land and causing the 'rainfall'.

---Aim to have your summaries be a little longer! This was a good summary, but it could use more information!


Original Article:
In Hawaii there's a volcano called Kailua. It's impact is so big in Hawaii that olivine crystals are seen 'raining' in Hawaii. How? The gems along with the lava are carried alon ghte volcano ande end up in the sky. The lava dires p in the sky and turns into pumince and instantly drop back to land causing the 'rainfall'.

Edited Article:
In Hawaii, there is a volcano called Kailua. Its impact is so big that olivine crystals are seen 'raining' in Hawaii. How? The gems along with the lava are carried along the volcano and end up in the sky. The lava dries up in the sky and turns into pumice, instantly dropping back to land and causing the 'rainfall'.


Trump's Plan for Farmers
Trump announces the 19 billion program on Friday to financially help farmers.

---Edited for grammar: Trump announced a $19 billion program on Friday to financially help farmers.

Before, during one of the trade wars with China and before the pandemic , Trump took out billions of dollars to make farmers finacally stable.

Edited for sentence clarity: Before the pandemic, Trump took out billions of dollars to make farmers financially stable during one of the trade wars with China.

16 billion will directly pay farmers who've been negatively affected by COVID19 and the other 3 billion will buy food to sustain needy and hungry families.

---Great information! Edited for grammar: $16 billion will directly pay farmers who have been negatively affected by COVID-19, and the other $3 billion will buy food to sustain needy and hungry families.


Original Article:
Trump announces the 19 billion program on Friday to financially help farmers. Before, during one of the trade wars with China and before the pandemic , Trump took out billions of dollars to make farmers finacally stable. 16 billion will directly pay farmers who've been negatively affected by COVID19 and the other 3 billion will buy food to sustain needy and hungry families.

Edited Article:
Trump announced a $19 billion program on Friday to financially help farmers. Before the pandemic, Trump took out billions of dollars to make farmers financially stable during one of the trade wars with China. $16 billion will directly pay farmers who have been negatively affected by COVID-19, and the other $3 billion will buy food to sustain needy and hungry families.


What's Poppin' at the Movies?

Movie theaters serve popcorns because they're very convenient to sell.

---Edited for noun/pronoun agreement: Movie theaters serve popcorn because it's very convenient to sell.

With the low cost of manufacturing these very popular snacks, popcorn, they were a convenient way to make very quick money.

---Edited for grammar: With the low cost of manufacturing the product, popcorn is an easy way to make very quick money.

They were also a way to raise the economy and popularity of movie theaters when the movie industry needed a economic boost due to the lack of popularity.

Edited for grammar: It was also a way to raise the economy and popularity of movie theaters when the movie industry needed an economic boost due to their lack of popularity.

Popcorns, surprisingly, quickly rose the movie theater's popularity and economy with very little cost.

Edited for grammar: Popcorn, surprisingly, rose the movie theater's popularity and economy quickly and with very little cost.


Original Article:
Movie theaters serve popcorns because they're very convenient to sell. With the low cost of manufacturing these very popular snacks, popcorn, they were a convenient way to make very quick money. They were also a way to raise the economy and popularity of movie theaters when the movie industry needed a economic boost due to the lack of popularity. Popcorns, surprisingly, quickly rose the movie theater's popularity and economy with very little cost.

Edited Article:
Movie theaters serve popcorn because it's very convenient to sell. With the low cost of manufacturing the product, popcorn is an easy way to make very quick money. It was also a way to raise the economy and popularity of movie theaters when the movie industry needed an economic boost due to their lack of popularity. Popcorn, surprisingly, rose the movie theater's popularity and economy quickly and with very little cost.


Consequences of Eating Meat

lots of people diet, but as the human population is rising steadily, scientist are trying to figure out how to invent a dieting plan that can feed 10 billion people.

---Edited for grammar and mechanics: Lots of people diet, but as the human population is rising steadily, scientists are trying to figure out how to invent a dieting plan that can feed 10 billion people.

in a news report, the British medical journal The Lancet, it recommends a largely plant-based diet with small allowances for meat, dairy, and sugar.

---Edited for grammar: In a news report published in the British medical journal The Lancet, it recommends a largely plant-based diet with small allowances for meat, dairy, and sugar.

Meat and sugar consumption around the world should drop by 50 percent.

---Great concluding sentence!


Original Article:
lots of people diet, but as the human population is rising steadily, scientist are trying to figure out how to invent a dieting plan that can feed 10 billion people. in a news report, the British medical journal The Lancet, it recommends a largely plant-based diet with small allowances for meat, dairy, and sugar. Meat and sugar consumption around the world should drop by 50 percent

Edited Article:
Lots of people diet, but as the human population is rising steadily, scientists are trying to figure out how to invent a dieting plan that can feed 10 billion people. In a news report published in the British medical journal The Lancet, it recommends a largely plant-based diet with small allowances for meat, dairy, and sugar. Meat and sugar consumption around the world should drop by 50 percent.

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article ———

Spiders may look dangerous and you may want to kill them at first sight. However, spiders are almost harmless and can help the ecosystem.

Spiders can provide services such as eating vermin, and some can even eat other spiders.
There is even a kind of jumping spider that likes to eat blood-sucking mosquitoes in African families.
Although spiders are generalists and easily eat everything they can catch, spiders regularly catch nasty pests and even sick insects.
As a result, killing spiders not only wastes the lives of spiders, but can also remove important predators from the house.
All in all you don't have to worry about harmless spiders, spiders can actually be useful in youri home, because they can remove other irritating but more dangerous insects lurking.

Source: ———- Article ——— Sleeping disorders

If adults and teenagers do not sleep enough, there is a possibility that they may be associated with a sleep disorder. And these are the reasons why they have sleep disorders in the first place.   The article says, "Many people don't get enough sleep or sleep poorly because of their jobs or hectic schedules - they work long shifts at night or have to rush to get their children ready to catch a 6:00 school bus. About 50 million to 70 million Americans have a chronic sleep disorder such as insomnia or sleep apnea, a condition in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts all night. "   Also: “The two most common sleep disorders are sleep apnea and insomnia. Sleep apnea is when your throat closes during sleep for short but repeated periods, thereby disrupting your ability to get oxygen into your body and rid your body of waste products such as carbon dioxide. Insomnia is a condition in which individuals have chronic problems falling asleep or maintaining their sleep. Another relatively common sleep disorder is called periodic limb movement disorder, where the individual has disrupted sleep due to involuntary kicking of his legs or arms, waking him up. "   And this is how you can improve sleep health: “Institutionally, we could work harder to ensure that we do not require students or employees to follow unhealthy sleep habits. We can postpone school start times so that students, for example, do not have to get up at six to take a school bus. I also work with a group of patient advocates who have suggested that everyone who gets a driver's license is informed about sleep disorders and the impact of sleepy driving - and is considering including screening for sleep disorders as part of applying for a driver's license. "   It is actually very easy not to get a sleep disorder, you just have to write a schedule and follow it. The time you would do your homework, the time you would eat, and especially the time you would sleep. That way you have good management and you get the right amount of sleep.   In short, be careful. Get the right amount of sleep that you need, because sleep is significant. You need it to function.

——— Article ———

Cuba’s amazing views

Jardines de la Reina, a 60 mile reserve in Cuba, is known for having pristine reefs, and an amazing view for scuba-diving.

The reserve has many unique animals and a whole ecosystem. Some of the animals include: Many different types of sharks like the Caribean reef shark, nurse shark, whale shark, hammerheads, crocodiles, goliath groupers, and many more species.

An unknown amount of Great Hammerhead sharks (not to be confused with their cousins the Hammerhead shark) use Jardines de la Reina as a pit stop on their way migrating.

Jardines de la Reina has amazing views, unique and numerous animals, and has a flourishing ecosystem Source:

——— Article ——— Yellowstone bears For half a century grizzly bears have been on the endangered list, but thankfully they have been recovered. But a new concern is coming, since grizzlies are off the endangered list 3 Western states are allowed to hold strict hunting seasons for the bear.

Arguments over if grizzles can even survive a hunting,and if grizzles should be hunted for sports started to pop up, though some people claim if hunting is limited and maintained correctly hunting would not affect the population too much.

The low estimate of how many Yellowstone bears are in the Greater Yellowstone area is 700 but it is more likely that there are 1,000.

Overall the recovery and potential hunting of the Yellowstone Grizzly Bear was a controversial subject.



       In "Uber And Lyft Drivers Are Striking — And Call On Passengers To Boycott" It talks about how Uber and Lyft drivers are striking and are doing so by boycotting Uber and Lyft for 2 hours and protesting. This is because on minimum wage Uber and Lyft drivers aren't able to make a living, especially with the competition between all these cab drivers, and the fact they only get a fraction of what they make due to ride fees. 
       This boycott happened because of Uber and Lyft had been taking away most of the money earned by the drivers, this had the drivers struggle more since they weren't making much money. Nusrat Nabila, a thirthy-year-old Uber driver said "Kinda like the big fish making all the money, and we being individuals, I'm at the bottom of the chain so I'm getting pressed." This shows how drivers struggle to already make money since they're giving away most of the money away to these companies. Due to this the NYC drivers are demanding that these companies stop this because they're being selfish, especially since Uber ranks in about 91 billion dollars.
      With Uber and Lyft drivers not earning enough money, they're demanding an 'actually living wage'. Esspecially since their wages are getting lower, their 'competition's ' getting higher and their lack of security has made a bad experience for a lot of Uber and Lyft drivers. the NYC drivers association said, "Uber/Lyft going public on the stock market will make billionaires of Uber and Lyft bosses while drivers struggle in poverty and the companies destroy the livelihoods of drivers in every sector," . It shows how selfish these rideshare companies are and how they don't even care about their employees.


——— Article ———

    There’s a bee named Wallace’s giant bee, a size of a walnut. With a wingspan of the size of our thumbs. It lives in the Indonesian jungle and had been discovered in 1981.
     This bee is like a fictional creation. Being the largest bee and having jaws strong as a stag beetle. It had been placed in the most wanted list in 2015 in the lost species project. “It was more magnificent then I thought, even in death,” said entomologist Eli Wyman.


      'Effects of caffeine consumption on the body' talks about the negative and positive things about coffee and why it's so addictive. It also talks about how caffeine makes everyone like and find coffee and other drinks with caffeine nice and soothing.
   Coffee is a highly popular drink. The caffine inside is a drug and an simulate, It's very addictive and energizable. "92 percent of college students consume caffeine in various forms, which is at a slightly higher number than the national average of 89 percent." This shows how the caffeine in the coffee as a drug is really addictive since it helps with sleep, which college people don't get much of.
   Coffee as one of the most popular drinks has caffeine. Caffine can help you be energized and exchance short term memory and improved reaction times, but it does have some negative sides to it. Caffine increases high blood pressure, heart rates and dehydrations, especially, when drank at an unrecommended amount."'I drink about two cups of coffee a day. I really like the taste because it’s soothing to have a cup of warm coffee. Mentally, I feel more energized, and I feel like I can take on the world' Schutt, a pre-medicine student, said.". The caffeine, as a drug, makes it very soothing to drink and it makes people addicted to it even though there's bad side effects.
