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Vid'''<h4>Hello Students, read the below article then on your own webpage on www.goodtoknow.com, write a short constructed response using "R-A-C-E" as instructed in class.</h4>'''
<h4>Hello Students, read the below article then on your own webpage on www.goodtoknow.com, write a short constructed response using "R-A-A R-A-C-E-A-C-E R-A-A'''" as instructed in class.</h4>
      '''According to the story, how was the monkey able to free himself from his unlawful sentence ?'''
      '''Use two details from the passage to support your response.''' '''USE: (P1)R-A-A (P2)R-A-C-E-A-C-E (P3)R-A-A'''
  '''In order to avoid becoming infected by the COVID-19 virus, what are some ways to prevent infection?'''
<br><br>'''<h4>THE MONKEY'S FIDDLE</h4>'''
  '''Use two details from the passage to support your response.'''
'''<h5>5 Big Questions About Coronavirus</h5>'''
Hunger and want forced Monkey one day to forsake his land and to seek elsewhere among strangers for much-needed work. Bulbs, earth beans, scorpions, insects, and such things were completely exhausted in his own land. But fortunately, he received, for the time being, shelter with a great uncle of his, Orang Outang, who lived in another part of the country.
    '''<h5>Here’s what you need to know about the new illness—and how to stay healthy.</h5>'''
MARCH 16, 2020
When he had worked for quite a while he wanted to return home, and as recompense, his great uncle gave him a fiddle and a bow and arrow and told him that with the bow and arrow he could hit anything he desired, and with the fiddle, he could force anything to dance.
1. What is this new coronavirus?
The first he met upon his return to his own land was Brer Wolf. This old fellow told him all the news and also that he had since early morning been attempting to stalk a deer, but all in vain.
It’s a virus that causes a disease known as COVID-19. The new coronavirus was first detected in Wuhan, China, late last year. It swept through the city, then spread to other parts of China. The virus was soon spread to other countries, including the U.S., by people who traveled while infected.
Then Monkey laid before him all the wonders of the bow and arrow that he carried on his back and assured him if he could but see the deer he would bring it down for him. When Wolf showed him the deer, Monkey was ready and down fell the deer.
Both the number of people infected and the number killed by COVID-19 have been increasing every day. On March 11, the World Health Organization declared a pandemic. That is an outbreak of a disease that spreads rapidly and affects many people in different areas around the globe.
They made a good meal together, but instead of Wolf being thankful, jealousy overmastered him and he begged for the bow and arrow. When Monkey refused to give it to him, he thereupon began to threaten him with his greater strength, and so when Jackal passed by, Wolf told him that Monkey had stolen his bow and arrow. After Jackal had heard both of them, he declared himself unqualified to settle the case alone, and he proposed that they bring the matter to the court of Lion, Tiger, and the other animals. In the meantime, he declared he would take possession of what had been the cause of their quarrel, so that it would be safe, as he said. But he immediately brought to earth all that was eatable, so there was a long time of slaughter before Monkey and Wolf agreed to have the affair in court.
Across the world, governments are trying to control the outbreak by restricting travel, closing businesses and schools, and educating citizens about how to stay safe.
Monkey's evidence was weak, and to make it worse, Jackal's testimony was against him. Jackal thought that in this way it would be easier to obtain the bow and arrow from Wolf for himself.
2. Let’s back up. What exactly is a virus?
And so fell the sentence against Monkey. Theft was looked upon as a great wrong; he must be imprisoned.
enlargeable view of coronavirus through a high-powered microscope
The fiddle was still at his side, and he received as a last favor from the court the right to play a tune on it.
This virus is named for the crown-like spikes on its surface. Corona is another word for crown.  
He was a master player of his time, and in addition to this came the wonderful power of his charmed fiddle. Thus, when he struck the first note of "Cockcrow" upon it, the court began at once to show an unusual and spontaneous liveliness, and before he came to the first waltzing turn of the old tune the whole court was dancing like a whirlwind.
A virus is a type of microscopic germ that can cause an illness. There are hundreds of thousands of different viruses. If you’ve ever had a runny or stuffy nose, there’s a good chance you caught a virus that causes the common cold. A more severe virus we hear about a lot each winter is the influenza (in-floo-EN-zuh) virus, or the flu.
Over and over, quicker and quicker, sounded the tune of "Cockcrow" on the charmed fiddle, until some of the dancers, exhausted, fell down, although still keeping their feet in motion. But Monkey, musician as he was, heard and saw nothing of what had happened around him. With his head placed lovingly against the instrument, and his eyes half-closed, he played on, keeping time ever with his foot.
3. So then is coronavirus like the flu?
Wolf was the first to cry out in pleading tones breathlessly, "Please stop, Cousin Monkey! For love's sake, please stop!"
Sort of. Like the flu, this coronavirus causes a respiratory illness, so it affects the nose, throat, and lungs. Both types of viruses produce some of the same symptoms, such as a cough and fever. Also, experts think the new coronavirus spreads much like other viruses do. When infected people sneeze or cough, they can release the virus into the air and infect other people nearby.
But Monkey did not even hear him. Over and over sounded the resistless waltz of "Cockcrow."
4. What makes this virus different?
After a while, Lion showed signs of fatigue, and when he had gone the round once more with his young lion wife, he growled as he passed Monkey, "My whole kingdom is yours, ape, if you just stop playing."
It’s brand-new, so doctors are still learning about what makes it unique.  
"I do not want it," answered Monkey, "but withdraw the sentence and give me my bow and arrow, and you, Wolf, acknowledge that you stole it from me."
“Viruses are like a big family,” explains Dr. Mark Denison, an infectious disease specialist. “They are all related, but they have different personalities.
"I acknowledge, I acknowledge!" cried Wolf, while Lion cried, at the same instant, that he withdrew the sentence.
Denison and other doctors around the world are working to learn about the new virus’s “personality”—like how quickly and easily it spreads and how to fight it. The goal is to eventually develop a vaccine, which doctors say is the best defense against many viruses. A vaccine is a shot that contains harmless parts of the virus. The vaccine is meant to train your immune system to recognize the virus and fight it off.
Monkey gave them just a few more turns of the "Cockcrow," gathered up his bow and arrow, and seated himself high up in the nearest camel thorn tree.
Health experts are working to have a COVID-19 vaccine ready in about a year.
The court and other animals were so afraid that he might begin again that they hastily disbanded to new parts of the world
5. Should we be worried?
Health experts say that most kids are not at high risk for COVID-19. Even when children get infected with the virus, they do not usually get very sick. But the virus is a very serious threat to adults who are older or who have certain medical conditions, like lung disease.
Federal, state, and local governments are taking steps to keep everyone as safe as possible. In many places, schools and businesses have been temporarily closed to prevent people from spreading the virus. Concerts, sports events, and other big gatherings have been canceled. In addition, people who might have been exposed to the virus are being quarantined. They will be closely monitored to see if they show symptoms.
Health officials say you should follow the current rules and guidelines in your community. You should also take the same steps you would to avoid getting or spreading a cold. Wash your hands frequently, and sneeze and cough into a tissue or your elbow.

Latest revision as of 18:38, 21 July 2020

Hello Students, read the below article then on your own webpage on www.goodtoknow.com, write a short constructed response using "R-A-A R-A-C-E-A-C-E R-A-A" as instructed in class.

      According to the story, how was the monkey able to free himself from his unlawful sentence ?
      Use two details from the passage to support your response. USE: (P1)R-A-A (P2)R-A-C-E-A-C-E (P3)R-A-A


Hunger and want forced Monkey one day to forsake his land and to seek elsewhere among strangers for much-needed work. Bulbs, earth beans, scorpions, insects, and such things were completely exhausted in his own land. But fortunately, he received, for the time being, shelter with a great uncle of his, Orang Outang, who lived in another part of the country.

When he had worked for quite a while he wanted to return home, and as recompense, his great uncle gave him a fiddle and a bow and arrow and told him that with the bow and arrow he could hit anything he desired, and with the fiddle, he could force anything to dance.

The first he met upon his return to his own land was Brer Wolf. This old fellow told him all the news and also that he had since early morning been attempting to stalk a deer, but all in vain.

Then Monkey laid before him all the wonders of the bow and arrow that he carried on his back and assured him if he could but see the deer he would bring it down for him. When Wolf showed him the deer, Monkey was ready and down fell the deer.

They made a good meal together, but instead of Wolf being thankful, jealousy overmastered him and he begged for the bow and arrow. When Monkey refused to give it to him, he thereupon began to threaten him with his greater strength, and so when Jackal passed by, Wolf told him that Monkey had stolen his bow and arrow. After Jackal had heard both of them, he declared himself unqualified to settle the case alone, and he proposed that they bring the matter to the court of Lion, Tiger, and the other animals. In the meantime, he declared he would take possession of what had been the cause of their quarrel, so that it would be safe, as he said. But he immediately brought to earth all that was eatable, so there was a long time of slaughter before Monkey and Wolf agreed to have the affair in court.

Monkey's evidence was weak, and to make it worse, Jackal's testimony was against him. Jackal thought that in this way it would be easier to obtain the bow and arrow from Wolf for himself.

And so fell the sentence against Monkey. Theft was looked upon as a great wrong; he must be imprisoned.

The fiddle was still at his side, and he received as a last favor from the court the right to play a tune on it.

He was a master player of his time, and in addition to this came the wonderful power of his charmed fiddle. Thus, when he struck the first note of "Cockcrow" upon it, the court began at once to show an unusual and spontaneous liveliness, and before he came to the first waltzing turn of the old tune the whole court was dancing like a whirlwind.

Over and over, quicker and quicker, sounded the tune of "Cockcrow" on the charmed fiddle, until some of the dancers, exhausted, fell down, although still keeping their feet in motion. But Monkey, musician as he was, heard and saw nothing of what had happened around him. With his head placed lovingly against the instrument, and his eyes half-closed, he played on, keeping time ever with his foot.

Wolf was the first to cry out in pleading tones breathlessly, "Please stop, Cousin Monkey! For love's sake, please stop!"

But Monkey did not even hear him. Over and over sounded the resistless waltz of "Cockcrow."

After a while, Lion showed signs of fatigue, and when he had gone the round once more with his young lion wife, he growled as he passed Monkey, "My whole kingdom is yours, ape, if you just stop playing."

"I do not want it," answered Monkey, "but withdraw the sentence and give me my bow and arrow, and you, Wolf, acknowledge that you stole it from me."

"I acknowledge, I acknowledge!" cried Wolf, while Lion cried, at the same instant, that he withdrew the sentence.

Monkey gave them just a few more turns of the "Cockcrow," gathered up his bow and arrow, and seated himself high up in the nearest camel thorn tree.

The court and other animals were so afraid that he might begin again that they hastily disbanded to new parts of the world