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Yaye's page
High Concentration of Mercury in the Arctic Permafrost
Fighting In a War with Flour, Eggs, and Firecrackers
        Photographer Antonia Gibotta went to Spain to capture a unique occurrence at the Els Enfarinats, a 200-year old traditional festival that has been celebrated annually on December 25 at the town of Ibi, Spain. In this festival, locals and tourists are to stage a fake coup d’état, so they are divided into 2 groups: Els Enfarinats and La Oposicio. The Els Enfarinats enforce outrageous laws and collect fines from those who don’t obey their laws, while the La Oposicio act as the police and try to secure “order”. The festival, interestingly, ends with both sides vivaciously bombarding each other with flour, eggs, and firecrackers rather than with deadly weaponry. Gibotta took photos that captured intense and powerful moments from this pretend-battle at the Els Enfarinats.
Cloud Storage Concerns
Increasingly, individuals are '''using''' cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft OneDrive, '''perhaps to their own detriment'''. These systems encode each user’s date with a specific encryption key, and most systems keep the key. This may seem much more convenient than having users keep the keys themselves, but it is also less secure because these keys may be stolen from the systems and misused without the owners realizing.  The best way to maximize cloud storage activity would be to use authenticated encryption.  However, this may limit users from taking advantage of some cloud features such as editing shared documents and searching cloud stored files. For people who don’t want to learn how to program their own tools though, they can try to find a cloud storage service with trustworthy software or use trusted open-source encryption software to encrypt their data before uploading it to cloud.
Cloud Storage Concerns
***Consider being a bit more specific- What concerns? Have they been solved? etc.
Increasingly, individuals are cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft OneDrive.
***You need a verb between "are" and "cloud;" Increasingly, individuals are using cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft OneDrive.
These systems encode each user’s date with a specific encryption key, and most systems keep the key.
***"Data" not "date;" These systems encode each user’s data with a specific encryption key, and most systems keep the key.
This may seem much more convenient than having users keep the keys themselves, but it is also less secure because these keys may be stolen from the systems and misused without the owners realizing. 
The best way to maximize cloud storage activity would be to use authenticated encryption. 
***It would be helpful to explain what authenticated encryption is here.
However, this may limit users from taking advantage of some cloud features such as editing shared documents and searching cloud stored files.
***Edited for grammar (added a hyphen); However, this may limit users from taking advantage of some cloud features such as editing shared documents and searching cloud-stored files.
For people who don’t want to learn how to program their own tools though, they can try to find a cloud storage service with trustworthy software or use trusted open-source encryption software to encrypt their data before uploading it to cloud.
Cloud Storage Concerns
Increasingly, individuals are cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft OneDrive. These systems encode each user’s date with a specific encryption key, and most systems keep the key. This may seem much more convenient than having users keep the keys themselves, but it is also less secure because these keys may be stolen from the systems and misused without the owners realizing.  The best way to maximize cloud storage activity would be to use authenticated encryption.  However, this may limit users from taking advantage of some cloud features such as editing shared documents and searching cloud stored files. For people who don’t want to learn how to program their own tools though, they can try to find a cloud storage service with trustworthy software or use trusted open-source encryption software to encrypt their data before uploading it to cloud.
Cloud Storage Concerns
Increasingly, individuals are using cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft OneDrive. These systems encode each user’s data with a specific encryption key, and most systems keep the key. This may seem much more convenient than having users keep the keys themselves, but it is also less secure because these keys may be stolen from the systems and misused without the owners realizing. The best way to maximize cloud storage activity would be to use authenticated encryption.  However, this may limit users from taking advantage of some cloud features such as editing shared documents and searching cloud-stored files. For people who don’t want to learn how to program their own tools though, they can try to find a cloud storage service with trustworthy software or use trusted open-source encryption software to encrypt their data before uploading it to cloud.
***You need to pay attention to spelling and word choice errors. Good job!
Edited by Laurel Copes
Satellites to Predict Cholera Outbreak
***Edited for fluidity; Satellites Predicted Cholera Outbreak in Yemen
A team of scientists successfully predicted a cholera outburst in Yemen through the use of satellite information.
***Good! The only thing I would add is the date of this event!
Cholera is a waterborne infection that targets intestines and can progress rapidly within hours or days; it mostly occurs in developing countries that suffer from poor sanitation. Collecting ground data for cholera outbreaks can be challenging in chaotic locations such as Yemen, where there’s political instability and people are constantly moving around.
However, satellites can help scientists collect this date and assess the Cholera risk in Yemen without actually being in the country.
***Edited for capitalization and spelling; However, satellites can help scientists collect this data and assess the cholera risk in Yemen without actually being in the country.
In conclusion, a team’s successful prediction of a cholera outburst in Yemen made scientists realize that satellite data can accurately determine infectious outbursts. 
Satellites to Predict Cholera Outbreak
A team of scientists successfully predicted a cholera outburst in Yemen through the use of satellite information. Cholera is a waterborne infection that targets intestines and can progress rapidly within hours or days; it mostly occurs in developing countries that suffer from poor sanitation. Collecting ground data for cholera outbreaks can be challenging in chaotic locations such as Yemen, where there’s political instability and people are constantly moving around. However, satellites can help scientists collect this date and assess the Cholera risk in Yemen without actually being in the country. In conclusion, a team’s successful prediction of a cholera outburst in Yemen made scientists realize that satellite data can accurately determine infectious outbursts. 
Satellites Predicted Cholera Outbreak in Yemen
A team of scientists successfully predicted a cholera outburst in Yemen through the use of satellite information. Cholera is a waterborne infection that targets intestines and can progress rapidly within hours or days; it mostly occurs in developing countries that suffer from poor sanitation. Collecting ground data for cholera outbreaks can be challenging in chaotic locations such as Yemen, where there’s political instability and people are constantly moving around. However, satellites can help scientists collect this data and assess the cholera risk in Yemen without actually being in the country. In conclusion, a team’s successful prediction of a cholera outburst in Yemen made scientists realize that satellite data can accurately determine infectious outbursts.
***You need to work on proofreading for spelling mistakes and making sure you include all relevant information in your summary. Great work!
Edited by Laurel Copes
Cancer-Sniffing Canines
***Good; I like the alliteration too!
Recent studies have shown that dogs can use their sensitive noses to detect cancer cells by sniffing a person’s breath or urine.
Cells in general give off volatile organic compounds (VOCs); cancer cells in particular give off a distinct VOC from regular cells, and dogs are able to detect this scent. 
***Edited for comma use; Cells, in general, give off volatile organic compounds (VOCs); cancer cells, in particular, give off a distinct VOC from regular cells, and dogs are able to detect this scent.
For this reason, researchers purposed that dogs can be trained to be cancer-sniffing wizards.
***Edited for word choice and tense; For this reason, researchers proposed that dogs could be trained to be cancer-sniffing wizards.
However, there are many complications with this because dogs do well in engaging situations such as helping law enforcement and guiding search terms in disaster zones, not in sniffing thousands of biological samples. So instead, it has been suggested that dogs can be used to help researchers identify the specific compounds responsible for the distinct VOC from cancer cells.
Nevertheless, researchers are currently deciding on how to put dogs, which are able to sniff cancer cells, into medical use.
***Edited for word choice; Nevertheless, researchers are currently deciding on how to put dogs, who are able to sniff cancer cells, into medical use.
Cancer-Sniffing Canines
Recent studies have shown that dogs can use their sensitive noses to detect cancer cells by sniffing a person’s breath or urine. Cells in general give off volatile organic compounds (VOCs); cancer cells in particular give off a distinct VOC from regular cells, and dogs are able to detect this scent.  For this reason, researchers purposed that dogs can be trained to be cancer-sniffing wizards. However, there are many complications with this because dogs do well in engaging situations such as helping law enforcement and guiding search terms in disaster zones, not in sniffing thousands of biological samples. So instead, it has been suggested that dogs can be used to help researchers identify the specific compounds responsible for the distinct VOC from cancer cells. Nevertheless, researchers are currently deciding on how to put dogs, which are able to sniff cancer cells, into medical use.
Cancer-Sniffing Canines
Recent studies have shown that dogs can use their sensitive noses to detect cancer cells by sniffing a person’s breath or urine. Cells, in general, give off volatile organic compounds (VOCs); cancer cells, in particular, give off a distinct VOC from regular cells, and dogs are able to detect this scent. For this reason, researchers proposed that dogs could be trained to be cancer-sniffing wizards. However, there are many complications with this because dogs do well in engaging situations such as helping law enforcement and guiding search terms in disaster zones, not in sniffing thousands of biological samples. So instead, it has been suggested that dogs can be used to help researchers identify the specific compounds responsible for the distinct VOC from cancer cells. Nevertheless, researchers are currently deciding on how to put dogs, who are able to sniff cancer cells, into medical use.
***You need to work on using commas and word choice, but you did a great job of summarizing and structuring your paragraph!
Edited by Laurel Copes
DNA Techniques for Facial Recognition Technology
Early tests in vide-omics, or the use of genomic (DNA sequence) analysis to in videos, have demonstrated potential for better facial recognition technology.
***Deleted extra word and added an article; Early tests in vide-omics, or the use of genomic (DNA sequence) analysis in videos, have demonstrated the potential for better facial recognition technology.
Despite its purpose to develop a safer and more secure society, today’s facial recognition system continues to make false matches between suspects of crimes and members of crowds.
Furthermore, they continue to remain limited to specific tasks in relatively controlled environments such as detecting trespass on a given property.
***Edited to reflect the earlier reference to a "recognition system" as a singular subject and comma use; Furthermore, it continues to remain limited to specific tasks in relatively controlled environments, such as detecting trespass on a given property.
However, researchers have discovered a similarity between genomic analysis and visual surveillance: both require the study of the evolution of a setting over time through the investigations of changes that have occurred in that setting. Researcher Jean-Christophe Nebel suggests that bio techniques used for genomic analysis can be applied to videos. Overall, if DNA techniques are applied to videos, engineers can develop better facial recognition technologies.
Early tests in vide-omics, or the use of genomic (DNA sequence) analysis to in videos, have demonstrated potential for better facial recognition technology. Despite its purpose to develop a safer and more secure society, today’s facial recognition system continues to make false matches between suspects of crimes and members of crowds. Furthermore, they continue to remain limited to specific tasks in relatively controlled environments such as detecting trespass on a given property. However, researchers have discovered a similarity between genomic analysis and visual surveillance: both require the study of the evolution of a setting over time through the investigations of changes that have occurred in that setting. Researcher Jean-Christophe Nebel suggests that bio techniques used for genomic analysis can be applied to videos. Overall, if DNA techniques are applied to videos, engineers can develop better facial recognition technologies.
DNA Techniques for Facial Recognition Technology
Early tests in vide-omics, or the use of genomic (DNA sequence) analysis in videos, have demonstrated the potential for better facial recognition technology. Despite its purpose to develop a safer and more secure society, today’s facial recognition system continues to make false matches between suspects of crimes and members of crowds. Furthermore, it continues to remain limited to specific tasks in relatively controlled environments, such as detecting trespass on a given property. However, researchers have discovered a similarity between genomic analysis and visual surveillance: both require the study of the evolution of a setting over time through the investigations of changes that have occurred in that setting. However, researchers have discovered a similarity between genomic analysis and visual surveillance: both require the study of the evolution of a setting over time through the investigations of changes that have occurred in that setting. Researcher Jean-Christophe Nebel suggests that bio techniques used for genomic analysis can be applied to videos. Overall, if DNA techniques are applied to videos, engineers can develop better facial recognition technologies.
***Make sure you proofread your submissions as most of the corrections I made were simple errors (extra or missing words; etc.). Overall, great job!
Edited by Laurel Copes
Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/dna-techniques-could-transform-facial-recognition-technology/
Fighting a War with Flour, Eggs, and Firecrackers
***"In" should be lowercased as prepositions are not capitalized in titles. Then I saw that "in" could be removed and the title still worked.; Fighting In a War with Flour, Eggs, and Firecrackers
Antonia Gibotta, a photographer, went to Spain to capture a unique occurrence at the Els Enfarinats, a 200-year old traditional festival that has been celebrated annually on December 25th in the town of Ibi, Spain.
***I added the "th" behind "December 25." I was never taught the name of that, but they always want it behind dates. I decided to switch the beginning for a better read and with correct punctuation.; Photographer Antonia Gibotta went to Spain to capture a unique occurrence at the Els Enfarinats, a 200-year old traditional festival that has been celebrated annually on December 25 in the town of Ibi, Spain.
In this festival, locals and tourists are to stage a fake coup d’état and are divided into two groups: Els Enfarinats and La Oposicio.
***I omitted the ", so they." I think "so" wasn't the right word choice and I went with a simple "and." Also, I spelled out "two" because you really don't use numerical symbols until the numbers reach nine and higher.; In this festival, locals and tourists are to stage a fake coup d’état, so they are divided into 2 groups: Els Enfarinats and La Oposicio.
The Els Enfarinats enforce outrageous laws and collect fines from those who don’t obey their laws, while the La Oposicio act as the police and try to secure “order.”
***Nothing is truly wrong with this sentence except one thing. When using quotations, always whatever punctuation inside of it. This rule normally goes for commas and periods, so at the end of your sentence, I put the period inside the quotations.; The Els Enfarinats enforce outrageous laws and collect fines from those who don’t obey their laws, while the La Oposicio act as the police and try to secure “order”.  
The festival, interestingly, ends with both sides vivaciously bombarding each other with flour, eggs, and firecrackers rather than with deadly weaponry.  
Gibotta took photos that captured intense and powerful moments from this pretend battle at the Els Enfarinats.
***There is no need for a hyphen in this sentence from what I can tell. "Pretend battle" isnt a compound word to use it for.; Gibotta took photos that captured intense and powerful moments from this pretend-battle at the Els Enfarinats.
Source: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/proof/2017/09/you-won_t-believe-this-bizarre-celebration-in-spain/
Source: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/proof/2017/09/you-won_t-believe-this-bizarre-celebration-in-spain/
Edited by Michael Morrow
Where Will Our Plastic Wastes Go After 2017?
In July 2017, China has announced its plans to ban foreign imports of recyclables and solid waste by the end of the year. For many years, China has been a dominant power that has bought recycled plastic from many countries such as the United States and Japan. Because of their reliance on China, many countries now have to come up with ways to solve their recycling and waste problems. Some solutions include: lessening the average consumer reliance on plastic, burning plastics to generate energy, and banning harmful products such as micro-beads. China’s new incentive to ban foreign waste has encouraged many countries to directly face and develop solutions to their recycling and waste problems.  
Fighting a War with Flour, Eggs, and Firecrackers
Antonia Gibotta, a photographer, went to Spain to capture a unique occurrence at the Els Enfarinats, a 200-year old traditional festival that has been celebrated annually on December 25th in the town of Ibi, Spain. In this festival, locals and tourists are to stage a fake coup d’état and are divided into two groups: Els Enfarinats and La Oposicio. The Els Enfarinats enforce outrageous laws and collect fines from those who don’t obey their laws, while the La Oposicio act as the police and try to secure “order.” The festival, interestingly, ends with both sides vivaciously bombarding each other with flour, eggs, and firecrackers rather than with deadly weaponry. Gibotta took photos that captured intense and powerful moments from this pretend battle at the Els Enfarinats.
Source: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/proof/2017/09/you-won_t-believe-this-bizarre-celebration-in-spain/
China Bans the Foreign Imports of Recyclables
***Try to avoid using questions as titles. A good replacement could be "China Bans the Foreign Imports of Recyclables." This new title gives readers a good idea on the topic of the article.; Where Will Our Plastic Wastes Go After 2017?
In July 2017, China has announced its plans to ban foreign imports of recyclables and solid waste by the end of the year.  
For many years, China has been a dominant power that has bought recycled plastic from many countries such as the United States and Japan.  
Because of their reliance on China, many countries now have to come up with ways to solve their recycling and waste problems.  
Some solutions include: lessening the average consumer reliance on plastic, burning plastics to generate energy, and banning harmful products such as micro-beads.  
China’s new incentive to ban foreign waste has encouraged many countries to directly face and develop solutions to their recycling and waste problems.  
Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/china-bans-foreign-waste-but-what-will-happen-to-the-worlds-recycling/
Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/china-bans-foreign-waste-but-what-will-happen-to-the-worlds-recycling/
Edited by Michael Morrow
No errors
China Bans the Foreign Imports of Recyclables
In July 2017, China has announced its plans to ban foreign imports of recyclables and solid waste by the end of the year. For many years, China has been a dominant power that has bought recycled plastic from many countries such as the United States and Japan. Because of their reliance on China, many countries now have to come up with ways to solve their recycling and waste problems. Some solutions include: lessening the average consumer reliance on plastic, burning plastics to generate energy, and banning harmful products such as micro-beads. China’s new incentive to ban foreign waste has encouraged many countries to directly face and develop solutions to their recycling and waste problems.
Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/china-bans-foreign-waste-but-what-will-happen-to-the-worlds-recycling/
Why Boys Are More Prone to Autism than Girls
Recently, researchers have discovered a correlation between inorganic mercury levels in blood and autistic trends.
They determined that boys are more susceptible to autism because of the high levels of inorganic mercury in their blood.
***Something important to remember when writing scientific and research-driven articles are to always have the name of the researchers, organization, or institution where this information come from. This makes what you are writing much more legit.; They determined that boys are more susceptible to autism because of the high levels of inorganic mercury in their blood.
Boys tend to have high levels of inorganic mercury in their systems because of a high consumption of processed food, which could contain inorganic mercury.
This may be linked to autism because boys have their PON1, a gene expression that contributes to cognitive learning, suppressed by the mercury consumption from their mothers’ diets during pregnancy and breastfeeding; however, this outcome does not happen to girls.
***Since you have an appositive, there need to be commas enclosing "a gene expression that contributes to cognitive learning." I added the adverb "however" behind the semicolon.; This may be linked to autism because boys have their PON1 - a gene expression that contributes to cognitive learning- suppressed by the mercury consumption from their mothers’ diets during pregnancy and breastfeeding; this outcome does not happen to girls.
The high level of inorganic mercury in the blood of boys is the reason why boys are more prone to autism than girls.
Source: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/why-does-autism-impact-boys-more-often-than-girls/
Edited by Michael Morrow

Latest revision as of 20:04, 29 May 2018

High Concentration of Mercury in the Arctic Permafrost

Cloud Storage Concerns

Increasingly, individuals are using cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft OneDrive, perhaps to their own detriment. These systems encode each user’s date with a specific encryption key, and most systems keep the key. This may seem much more convenient than having users keep the keys themselves, but it is also less secure because these keys may be stolen from the systems and misused without the owners realizing. The best way to maximize cloud storage activity would be to use authenticated encryption. However, this may limit users from taking advantage of some cloud features such as editing shared documents and searching cloud stored files. For people who don’t want to learn how to program their own tools though, they can try to find a cloud storage service with trustworthy software or use trusted open-source encryption software to encrypt their data before uploading it to cloud.


Cloud Storage Concerns

      • Consider being a bit more specific- What concerns? Have they been solved? etc.

Increasingly, individuals are cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft OneDrive.

      • You need a verb between "are" and "cloud;" Increasingly, individuals are using cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft OneDrive.

These systems encode each user’s date with a specific encryption key, and most systems keep the key.

      • "Data" not "date;" These systems encode each user’s data with a specific encryption key, and most systems keep the key.

This may seem much more convenient than having users keep the keys themselves, but it is also less secure because these keys may be stolen from the systems and misused without the owners realizing.

      • Good!

The best way to maximize cloud storage activity would be to use authenticated encryption.

      • It would be helpful to explain what authenticated encryption is here.

However, this may limit users from taking advantage of some cloud features such as editing shared documents and searching cloud stored files.

      • Edited for grammar (added a hyphen); However, this may limit users from taking advantage of some cloud features such as editing shared documents and searching cloud-stored files.

For people who don’t want to learn how to program their own tools though, they can try to find a cloud storage service with trustworthy software or use trusted open-source encryption software to encrypt their data before uploading it to cloud.

      • Nice!

Cloud Storage Concerns

Increasingly, individuals are cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft OneDrive. These systems encode each user’s date with a specific encryption key, and most systems keep the key. This may seem much more convenient than having users keep the keys themselves, but it is also less secure because these keys may be stolen from the systems and misused without the owners realizing. The best way to maximize cloud storage activity would be to use authenticated encryption. However, this may limit users from taking advantage of some cloud features such as editing shared documents and searching cloud stored files. For people who don’t want to learn how to program their own tools though, they can try to find a cloud storage service with trustworthy software or use trusted open-source encryption software to encrypt their data before uploading it to cloud.

Cloud Storage Concerns

Increasingly, individuals are using cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft OneDrive. These systems encode each user’s data with a specific encryption key, and most systems keep the key. This may seem much more convenient than having users keep the keys themselves, but it is also less secure because these keys may be stolen from the systems and misused without the owners realizing. The best way to maximize cloud storage activity would be to use authenticated encryption. However, this may limit users from taking advantage of some cloud features such as editing shared documents and searching cloud-stored files. For people who don’t want to learn how to program their own tools though, they can try to find a cloud storage service with trustworthy software or use trusted open-source encryption software to encrypt their data before uploading it to cloud.

      • You need to pay attention to spelling and word choice errors. Good job!

Edited by Laurel Copes


Satellites to Predict Cholera Outbreak

      • Edited for fluidity; Satellites Predicted Cholera Outbreak in Yemen

A team of scientists successfully predicted a cholera outburst in Yemen through the use of satellite information.

      • Good! The only thing I would add is the date of this event!

Cholera is a waterborne infection that targets intestines and can progress rapidly within hours or days; it mostly occurs in developing countries that suffer from poor sanitation. Collecting ground data for cholera outbreaks can be challenging in chaotic locations such as Yemen, where there’s political instability and people are constantly moving around.

      • Nice!

However, satellites can help scientists collect this date and assess the Cholera risk in Yemen without actually being in the country.

      • Edited for capitalization and spelling; However, satellites can help scientists collect this data and assess the cholera risk in Yemen without actually being in the country.

In conclusion, a team’s successful prediction of a cholera outburst in Yemen made scientists realize that satellite data can accurately determine infectious outbursts.

      • Good!

Satellites to Predict Cholera Outbreak

A team of scientists successfully predicted a cholera outburst in Yemen through the use of satellite information. Cholera is a waterborne infection that targets intestines and can progress rapidly within hours or days; it mostly occurs in developing countries that suffer from poor sanitation. Collecting ground data for cholera outbreaks can be challenging in chaotic locations such as Yemen, where there’s political instability and people are constantly moving around. However, satellites can help scientists collect this date and assess the Cholera risk in Yemen without actually being in the country. In conclusion, a team’s successful prediction of a cholera outburst in Yemen made scientists realize that satellite data can accurately determine infectious outbursts.

Satellites Predicted Cholera Outbreak in Yemen

A team of scientists successfully predicted a cholera outburst in Yemen through the use of satellite information. Cholera is a waterborne infection that targets intestines and can progress rapidly within hours or days; it mostly occurs in developing countries that suffer from poor sanitation. Collecting ground data for cholera outbreaks can be challenging in chaotic locations such as Yemen, where there’s political instability and people are constantly moving around. However, satellites can help scientists collect this data and assess the cholera risk in Yemen without actually being in the country. In conclusion, a team’s successful prediction of a cholera outburst in Yemen made scientists realize that satellite data can accurately determine infectious outbursts.

      • You need to work on proofreading for spelling mistakes and making sure you include all relevant information in your summary. Great work!

Edited by Laurel Copes


Cancer-Sniffing Canines

      • Good; I like the alliteration too!

Recent studies have shown that dogs can use their sensitive noses to detect cancer cells by sniffing a person’s breath or urine.

      • Nice!

Cells in general give off volatile organic compounds (VOCs); cancer cells in particular give off a distinct VOC from regular cells, and dogs are able to detect this scent.

      • Edited for comma use; Cells, in general, give off volatile organic compounds (VOCs); cancer cells, in particular, give off a distinct VOC from regular cells, and dogs are able to detect this scent.

For this reason, researchers purposed that dogs can be trained to be cancer-sniffing wizards.

      • Edited for word choice and tense; For this reason, researchers proposed that dogs could be trained to be cancer-sniffing wizards.

However, there are many complications with this because dogs do well in engaging situations such as helping law enforcement and guiding search terms in disaster zones, not in sniffing thousands of biological samples. So instead, it has been suggested that dogs can be used to help researchers identify the specific compounds responsible for the distinct VOC from cancer cells.

      • Good!

Nevertheless, researchers are currently deciding on how to put dogs, which are able to sniff cancer cells, into medical use.

      • Edited for word choice; Nevertheless, researchers are currently deciding on how to put dogs, who are able to sniff cancer cells, into medical use.

Cancer-Sniffing Canines

Recent studies have shown that dogs can use their sensitive noses to detect cancer cells by sniffing a person’s breath or urine. Cells in general give off volatile organic compounds (VOCs); cancer cells in particular give off a distinct VOC from regular cells, and dogs are able to detect this scent. For this reason, researchers purposed that dogs can be trained to be cancer-sniffing wizards. However, there are many complications with this because dogs do well in engaging situations such as helping law enforcement and guiding search terms in disaster zones, not in sniffing thousands of biological samples. So instead, it has been suggested that dogs can be used to help researchers identify the specific compounds responsible for the distinct VOC from cancer cells. Nevertheless, researchers are currently deciding on how to put dogs, which are able to sniff cancer cells, into medical use.

Cancer-Sniffing Canines

Recent studies have shown that dogs can use their sensitive noses to detect cancer cells by sniffing a person’s breath or urine. Cells, in general, give off volatile organic compounds (VOCs); cancer cells, in particular, give off a distinct VOC from regular cells, and dogs are able to detect this scent. For this reason, researchers proposed that dogs could be trained to be cancer-sniffing wizards. However, there are many complications with this because dogs do well in engaging situations such as helping law enforcement and guiding search terms in disaster zones, not in sniffing thousands of biological samples. So instead, it has been suggested that dogs can be used to help researchers identify the specific compounds responsible for the distinct VOC from cancer cells. Nevertheless, researchers are currently deciding on how to put dogs, who are able to sniff cancer cells, into medical use.

      • You need to work on using commas and word choice, but you did a great job of summarizing and structuring your paragraph!

Edited by Laurel Copes


DNA Techniques for Facial Recognition Technology

      • Nice!

Early tests in vide-omics, or the use of genomic (DNA sequence) analysis to in videos, have demonstrated potential for better facial recognition technology.

      • Deleted extra word and added an article; Early tests in vide-omics, or the use of genomic (DNA sequence) analysis in videos, have demonstrated the potential for better facial recognition technology.

Despite its purpose to develop a safer and more secure society, today’s facial recognition system continues to make false matches between suspects of crimes and members of crowds.

      • Good!

Furthermore, they continue to remain limited to specific tasks in relatively controlled environments such as detecting trespass on a given property.

      • Edited to reflect the earlier reference to a "recognition system" as a singular subject and comma use; Furthermore, it continues to remain limited to specific tasks in relatively controlled environments, such as detecting trespass on a given property.

However, researchers have discovered a similarity between genomic analysis and visual surveillance: both require the study of the evolution of a setting over time through the investigations of changes that have occurred in that setting. Researcher Jean-Christophe Nebel suggests that bio techniques used for genomic analysis can be applied to videos. Overall, if DNA techniques are applied to videos, engineers can develop better facial recognition technologies.

      • Good!

Early tests in vide-omics, or the use of genomic (DNA sequence) analysis to in videos, have demonstrated potential for better facial recognition technology. Despite its purpose to develop a safer and more secure society, today’s facial recognition system continues to make false matches between suspects of crimes and members of crowds. Furthermore, they continue to remain limited to specific tasks in relatively controlled environments such as detecting trespass on a given property. However, researchers have discovered a similarity between genomic analysis and visual surveillance: both require the study of the evolution of a setting over time through the investigations of changes that have occurred in that setting. Researcher Jean-Christophe Nebel suggests that bio techniques used for genomic analysis can be applied to videos. Overall, if DNA techniques are applied to videos, engineers can develop better facial recognition technologies.

DNA Techniques for Facial Recognition Technology

Early tests in vide-omics, or the use of genomic (DNA sequence) analysis in videos, have demonstrated the potential for better facial recognition technology. Despite its purpose to develop a safer and more secure society, today’s facial recognition system continues to make false matches between suspects of crimes and members of crowds. Furthermore, it continues to remain limited to specific tasks in relatively controlled environments, such as detecting trespass on a given property. However, researchers have discovered a similarity between genomic analysis and visual surveillance: both require the study of the evolution of a setting over time through the investigations of changes that have occurred in that setting. However, researchers have discovered a similarity between genomic analysis and visual surveillance: both require the study of the evolution of a setting over time through the investigations of changes that have occurred in that setting. Researcher Jean-Christophe Nebel suggests that bio techniques used for genomic analysis can be applied to videos. Overall, if DNA techniques are applied to videos, engineers can develop better facial recognition technologies.

      • Make sure you proofread your submissions as most of the corrections I made were simple errors (extra or missing words; etc.). Overall, great job!

Edited by Laurel Copes

Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/dna-techniques-could-transform-facial-recognition-technology/

Fighting a War with Flour, Eggs, and Firecrackers

      • "In" should be lowercased as prepositions are not capitalized in titles. Then I saw that "in" could be removed and the title still worked.; Fighting In a War with Flour, Eggs, and Firecrackers

Antonia Gibotta, a photographer, went to Spain to capture a unique occurrence at the Els Enfarinats, a 200-year old traditional festival that has been celebrated annually on December 25th in the town of Ibi, Spain.

      • I added the "th" behind "December 25." I was never taught the name of that, but they always want it behind dates. I decided to switch the beginning for a better read and with correct punctuation.; Photographer Antonia Gibotta went to Spain to capture a unique occurrence at the Els Enfarinats, a 200-year old traditional festival that has been celebrated annually on December 25 in the town of Ibi, Spain.

In this festival, locals and tourists are to stage a fake coup d’état and are divided into two groups: Els Enfarinats and La Oposicio.

      • I omitted the ", so they." I think "so" wasn't the right word choice and I went with a simple "and." Also, I spelled out "two" because you really don't use numerical symbols until the numbers reach nine and higher.; In this festival, locals and tourists are to stage a fake coup d’état, so they are divided into 2 groups: Els Enfarinats and La Oposicio.

The Els Enfarinats enforce outrageous laws and collect fines from those who don’t obey their laws, while the La Oposicio act as the police and try to secure “order.”

      • Nothing is truly wrong with this sentence except one thing. When using quotations, always whatever punctuation inside of it. This rule normally goes for commas and periods, so at the end of your sentence, I put the period inside the quotations.; The Els Enfarinats enforce outrageous laws and collect fines from those who don’t obey their laws, while the La Oposicio act as the police and try to secure “order”.

The festival, interestingly, ends with both sides vivaciously bombarding each other with flour, eggs, and firecrackers rather than with deadly weaponry.

Gibotta took photos that captured intense and powerful moments from this pretend battle at the Els Enfarinats.

      • There is no need for a hyphen in this sentence from what I can tell. "Pretend battle" isnt a compound word to use it for.; Gibotta took photos that captured intense and powerful moments from this pretend-battle at the Els Enfarinats.

Source: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/proof/2017/09/you-won_t-believe-this-bizarre-celebration-in-spain/ Edited by Michael Morrow

Fighting a War with Flour, Eggs, and Firecrackers

Antonia Gibotta, a photographer, went to Spain to capture a unique occurrence at the Els Enfarinats, a 200-year old traditional festival that has been celebrated annually on December 25th in the town of Ibi, Spain. In this festival, locals and tourists are to stage a fake coup d’état and are divided into two groups: Els Enfarinats and La Oposicio. The Els Enfarinats enforce outrageous laws and collect fines from those who don’t obey their laws, while the La Oposicio act as the police and try to secure “order.” The festival, interestingly, ends with both sides vivaciously bombarding each other with flour, eggs, and firecrackers rather than with deadly weaponry. Gibotta took photos that captured intense and powerful moments from this pretend battle at the Els Enfarinats.

Source: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/proof/2017/09/you-won_t-believe-this-bizarre-celebration-in-spain/

China Bans the Foreign Imports of Recyclables

      • Try to avoid using questions as titles. A good replacement could be "China Bans the Foreign Imports of Recyclables." This new title gives readers a good idea on the topic of the article.; Where Will Our Plastic Wastes Go After 2017?

In July 2017, China has announced its plans to ban foreign imports of recyclables and solid waste by the end of the year.

For many years, China has been a dominant power that has bought recycled plastic from many countries such as the United States and Japan.

Because of their reliance on China, many countries now have to come up with ways to solve their recycling and waste problems.

Some solutions include: lessening the average consumer reliance on plastic, burning plastics to generate energy, and banning harmful products such as micro-beads.

China’s new incentive to ban foreign waste has encouraged many countries to directly face and develop solutions to their recycling and waste problems.

Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/china-bans-foreign-waste-but-what-will-happen-to-the-worlds-recycling/ Edited by Michael Morrow No errors

China Bans the Foreign Imports of Recyclables

In July 2017, China has announced its plans to ban foreign imports of recyclables and solid waste by the end of the year. For many years, China has been a dominant power that has bought recycled plastic from many countries such as the United States and Japan. Because of their reliance on China, many countries now have to come up with ways to solve their recycling and waste problems. Some solutions include: lessening the average consumer reliance on plastic, burning plastics to generate energy, and banning harmful products such as micro-beads. China’s new incentive to ban foreign waste has encouraged many countries to directly face and develop solutions to their recycling and waste problems.

Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/china-bans-foreign-waste-but-what-will-happen-to-the-worlds-recycling/

Why Boys Are More Prone to Autism than Girls

Recently, researchers have discovered a correlation between inorganic mercury levels in blood and autistic trends.

They determined that boys are more susceptible to autism because of the high levels of inorganic mercury in their blood.

      • Something important to remember when writing scientific and research-driven articles are to always have the name of the researchers, organization, or institution where this information come from. This makes what you are writing much more legit.; They determined that boys are more susceptible to autism because of the high levels of inorganic mercury in their blood.

Boys tend to have high levels of inorganic mercury in their systems because of a high consumption of processed food, which could contain inorganic mercury.

This may be linked to autism because boys have their PON1, a gene expression that contributes to cognitive learning, suppressed by the mercury consumption from their mothers’ diets during pregnancy and breastfeeding; however, this outcome does not happen to girls.

      • Since you have an appositive, there need to be commas enclosing "a gene expression that contributes to cognitive learning." I added the adverb "however" behind the semicolon.; This may be linked to autism because boys have their PON1 - a gene expression that contributes to cognitive learning- suppressed by the mercury consumption from their mothers’ diets during pregnancy and breastfeeding; this outcome does not happen to girls.

The high level of inorganic mercury in the blood of boys is the reason why boys are more prone to autism than girls.

Source: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/why-does-autism-impact-boys-more-often-than-girls/ Edited by Michael Morrow