Joshua's Article Summary Page


Animals like less traffic Animals have been dying less often cause due to the pandemic. Lately there has been a search done showing that there has been a third fewer vehicle crashes due to less driving and going out in the pandemic. Before the pandemic there where millions of animals dying to car crashes but since the pandemic there has been a drop of animal deaths. A specific animal that has been saved by this pandemic are mountain lions who have lowered by 58% death because of less driving. Finally it seems like there are a lot of green gasses going into the air while we all drive which is not good.This shows how animals have been dying less often due to the pandemic. Source:


Animals have been dying less often cause due to the pandemic. Lately there has been a search done showing that there has been a third fewer vehicle crashes due to less driving and going out in the pandemic.

      • Edited for clarity: Due to the pandemic, animals have been dying less because of fewer cars being on the road.

Good! Combine these sentences so the sentence flows better

Before the pandemic there where millions of animals dying to car crashes but since the pandemic, there has been a drop of animal deaths.

      • Edited for punctuation and fluidity: Before the pandemic, there were millions of animals dying from car crashes but since the pandemic there has been a drop of animal deaths.

Good, just add a comma after the word 'pandemic'

A specific animal that has been saved by this pandemic are mountain lions who have lowered by 58% death because of less driving.

      • Edited for fluidity: Mountain lions have been saved tremendously due to less cars being on the road.

Finally it seems like there are a lot of green gasses going into the air while we all drive which is not good.

      • Take this sentence out

This shows how animals have been dying less often due to the pandemic.

      • Edited for fluidity: In conclusion, this shows how animals have been dying less due to less cars being on the road because of the pandemic.

Final Edit: Due to the pandemic, animals have been dying less because of fewer cars being on the road. Before the pandemic, there were millions of animals dying from car crashes but since the pandemic, there has been a drop of animal deaths. A specific animal that has been saved tremendously are mountain lions due to less cars being on the road. In conclusion, this shows how animals have been dying less due to less cars being on the road because of the pandemic.

Edited by: Kelsey Eggsware

"Warning COVID-19 blown" Decline in studies of COVID-19 is normal The virus affects one part of the body with lots antibodies so the virus is usually only there for a few months then it disappears. A small research was done on two Chinese people that showed the virus lowered there antibody during the recovery. There was also a preprint that showed how antibodies lowered when recovering. On July there was research showing that if you had a mild case your antibodies decreased rapidly. Even though it might be scar scientists say its normal to lose antibodies in your life. They said there are many people going and making vaccines. Source:

"Murder Hornets" Murder Hornets makes insects and Spiders 100 times more scary A scientist in North Moluccas found the biggest bee ever. The picture was put online of the bee and people started saying to kill the insect and burn it. The murder hornet was seen moving from Asia to England to even certain parts of Washington. Washington state caught the first hornet on July. There has been many hornet scenarios where a person kills a hornet thinking it might be a murder hornet. This just shows the knowledge that the humans are displaying. Source: